20 Words to use with sprays

See the living spray-drops leaping, Crowned with dancing diamond light; Midway hangs the bright-hued rainbow!

A sort of spray hood had been erected over the hydroplane's engines.

The spray cloud got thick, and wavered with luminous tremblings when the long rollers broke.

Without such spray connections, it is safe to say that this compressor has scarcely any cooling advantages at all, so far as air cooling is concerned.

One morning a flying-fish was bent on worrying me, swishing its flapping fins directly before my face, then darting upward, sending the spray cross-wise into my eyes.

We fishes like to bang against the sponges and feel the sudden spray dash over us.

In the morning light, In the silent night, When the moonlight gems the scene, It laughs and sings, And a light spray flings O'er stately walls of green.

There are traces in the "Odyssey" of a nautical language, of a technology exclusively belonging to the world "off soundings," and an exceeding delight in the rush and spray-flinging of a vessel's motion, "The purple wave hissed from the bow of the bark in its going.

CULPRIT FAY, a sprite condemned for loving a mortal maiden to catch the spray-gem from the sturgeon's "silver bow," and light his torch with a falling star.

How low they fly; so low that their feet splash in the water, that makes a bright spray-hue in the sun!

Mr. Darlington, who is one of the stanch defenders of this class of compressors, has found it necessary to introduce "spray jets of water immediately under the outlet valves," the object of which is to absorb a larger amount of heat than would otherwise be effected by the simple contact of the air with the water-compressing column.

10, the tank on the right is where the oil is stored, while the oil can, and the spray-pipe and tube for water, are shown near the second post or partition on the right.

By means of a spray-producer, spray the back of the hand with ether, and observe how the sensibility is abolished. Experiment 165.

The fine Bathing Establishment contains 30 separate bath-rooms, besides 3 douche-rooms, a spray-room, foot bath-room, &c.

The largest field may be something less than two tablecloths, while the smallest is, say, a speck of undercliff, on to which it were hard to back a 'rickshaw, wrested from the beach and growing its clump of barley within spray-shot of the waves.

A properly designed spray system must not be confused with the numerous devices applied to air cylinders, by means of which water is introduced.

It was as though he were passed through each of its scientific appliances in turnthe steam washing machine, the centrifugal steam wringer, the hot-air drying horse, the patent mangle, the gas ovens, the heating pipes, the spray baths, the model bakery, and the central engine.

If, in your summer rambles by the shore, His spray-tost cottage you may chance espy, Enter and greet the blind old mariner.

And like a waterfall that at one leap Plunges from pines to palms, shattered at once To wreaths of mist and broken spray-bows bright, He loved not less, nor wearied of her smile; But through the daytime held aloof and strange

Still another method produces ice by forcing the clean water in extremely fine spray into a reservoir from which the air has been exhaustedinto a vacuum, in other words; the spray condenses in the form of tiny particles of ice, which are attached to the walls of the reservoir.

20 Words to use with  sprays