25 adjectives to describe snort

The snoring changed to a series of loud choking snorts, then ceased.

" The doctor was quietly looking into the fire, and as his wife turned to him he gave a little snort.

Those were some new playmatesthose fat, white, hairy things up there; and Satan was amazed when, with frightened snorts, they fled in every direction.

A hundred yards away the mares and colts, alarmed by the sudden half-whinny, half-snort, from the filly, discovered the approaching horse and rider.

The explosive snorts indicated that the locomotive labored up the last steep pitch, and Lister sat down by the rails.

Finally, we came to a corner of a sharp turn, almost at the mouth of the cañon, and then No. 38 gave one loud, defiant snort and stopped.

" Sahwah gave a disgusted snort into the megaphone.

Mrs. Rickett uttered a brief, expressive snort.

" "Ugh!" said the other, with his favorite snort.

The Professor gave an indignant snort, straightened his small body, as if he contemplated an attack upon the youngster, then dashed madly back to the fire, where we watched him bobbing his head up and down as he spoke to the two girls.

"Tut! "Every scuttle should be shut;" And with a malignant snort Poked his head out through the port.

The bull was standing in a magnificent attitude there in the middle, but when he saw the Bear spring toward him, he gave two mighty snorts and retreated as far as he could, amid cheers and hisses.

He knows that some men who drink are unreliable, and that unreliable men are apt to represent unreliable houses and to sell unreliable goods, and he hasn't the time or the inclination to stop and find out that this particular salesman has simply had a mild snort as an appetizer and a gentle soother as a digester.

This singular laugh consisted of a brilliant stacatto passage on a high key, interrupted by occasional snorts, and terminating with a slur which covered the whole descending octave.

" Aunt Jane gave a scornful snort, and the man responded in a curious way.

" Scarcely were the words out of Langdon's mouth when a sudden rattle of hobble-chains and the startled snort of a grazing horse out in the meadow brought them both to their feet.

" Miss McQuinch, by a subdued but expressive snort, conveyed the most entire scepticism as to his solicitude about his mother.

" A universal snort of indignation.

Chloris gave an unromantic snort and sat with unnecessary clumsiness upon Jay's toe.

He moved his foot, and the mechanism, with three angry snorts, resumed its fussy way towards the town.

A hundred yards away the mares and colts, alarmed by the sudden half-whinny, half-snort, from the filly, discovered the approaching horse and rider.

For about five minutes the droning continued ("Having a good look at us," said the Brigade-major in a sepulchral whisper) and then suddenly ceased with what I can only describe as an appalling snort.

" Suddenly the old captain, who had been watching the smoke closely, gave an astonished snort.

Mrs. Rickett uttered a brief, expressive snort.

Here the Colonel uttered a contemptuous snort.

25 adjectives to describe  snort