18 adjectives to describe snuck

I'm a little sneak, everybody said so.

"You contemptible sneak!" shouted Jimsy, whose fists it had been that threatened Fanning.

He's a miserable sneak, that's what he is!"

"Go ahead and pump the crooked sneak, but don't swallow his lies.

" "I'll attend to that; come on, Mark, let's throw the damn sneak into that left-hand stateroom.

I asked of the corporal, who, his work having been done, was leaning out over the wall to watch the frightened sneaks as they scuttled into their lodges out of sight.

Caleb Jennings, a shoemaker, cobler, snobusing the last word in its genuine classical sense, and by no means according to the modern interpretation by which it is held to signify a genteel sneak or pretenderhe was anything but thatoccupied, some twelve or thirteen years ago, a stall at Watley, which, according to the traditions of the place, had been hereditary in his family for several generations.

"'So it is,' says I. 'The first art of war is understanding how to make a grand sneak.

A yaller-hearted sneak!" "Easy, Jack!" broke in one of the men.

"You infernal sneak!"

Then a round vent opened magically and the cyclops sucked the morsel forward into its gullet, thus reversing the natural swallowing process, and smacked its steel lip behind it with a loud and greasy snuck!

That might have raised the dead Them ornary sneaks had sot the clock A half an hour ahead!

"Oh, what a snizerable meakI mean miserable sneak, that fellow is!" exclaimed Harry.

It is by no means uncommon to hear it said of a sorry sneak, "He looks like an old-clothes dealer.

"You're aacontemptible old sneak!" cried Tom wrathfully, "and if I didn't feel soso dizzy I'd knock you down!"

I have collated six full and trustworthy accounts, and find a curious dissimilarity in the personifications and preferences; thus the number 3 is described as (1) disliked; (2) a treacherous sneak; (3) a good old friend; (4) delightful and amusing; (5) a female companion to 2; (6) a feeble edition of 9.

"An' why should the best gun be brought here?" "Well, you see, lad, the chances are them bloody sneaks will soon try to work the same deviltry which we had to look at idly last night, for it stands to reason that all who deserted from this fort fell into their clutches.

His indifferent look was an additional annoyance to Eric, who walked up to him carelessly, and boxing his ears, though without hurting him, said contemptuously, "Conceited little sneak.

18 adjectives to describe  snuck