67 adjectives to describe undertone

Oils maintain a healthy undertone.

It's got to be sudden," he said, in fierce undertone.

Then on a sudden inspiration, he once more laid hold of the bridle and began to speak volubly in a hoarse undertone: "W'y, name o' God, Mr. Stoddard!

He threw forward one hand and looking pleasantly at Madame Delphine, with his lips dropped apart, clenched his extended hand and thrusting it toward the ground, said in a solemn undertone: "He is God's own banker, Madame Delphine.

Or if it doesn'tif it doesn't" He ground his heel deep into the yielding sand, and ended in a husky undertone.

he asked in a guarded undertone.

" "I think so," assented she, a curious undertone of defiance in her voice.

"Well, Père Jerome," she said, in a hurried undertone, "I am just going to say Hail Marys all the time till you find that out for me!"

"Of all the bad manners!" said Agony to Sahwah in an indignant undertone, which, with the characteristic penetrating quality of Agony's voice, carried perfectly to the ears of the girl behind her.

"I don't know, Marcella," she said in a dreamy undertone, after draining the cup to its cherry.

He laughed violently for a second or two, tried to hang his hat on both knees at the same time, and finally sank his voice to a confidential undertone: "Now, widdy, that's the woman's way o' puttin' it.

The light from the fire shone against the western wall of the room almost as strong as sunlight, and as we sat there we could hear the roar of the fire rising in the gusts of the wind, dying down, but with a steady undertone, like the wind in the rigging of a ship.

Then there is another class,the poetical, dreamy adventurer, to whom the sea beckons in every white Undine that rises along the beaches of a moonlight night, to whom it calls in that mournful and magic undertone heard only by those who love and listen.

James stood and looked in at the window, and saw her sorting and arranging the family mending, busy over piles of stockings and shirts, while on the table beside her lay her open Bible, and she was singing to herself, in a low, sweet undertone, one of the favorite minor-keyed melodies of those days:

In her earlier books she is said to have been under the influence of Thackeray, but her satire is heavy, and lacks his light touch and his tender undertone of compassion.

" "Stand by to lower away," directed Mr. Aiken in a harsh undertone; and the blocks creaked and we were in the river.

They were talking in cautious undertones, and in French.

" Upon the tower there met them the Reeve, anxious of brow, who pointed where the townsfolk talked together in fearful undertones or clustered, mute and trembling, while every eye was turned where, in the open, 'twixt town and camp, a procession of black-robed priests advanced, chanting very solemn and sweet.

" "Don Diego," exclaimed Valencia, unable to control her impatience longer, and turning sharply from the caballero who was talking to her in a fiery undertone, "thou hast not spoken to me for ten minutes.

If now and then there was a forlorn undertone which at the time seemed inexplicable, you might be perplexed at the drift of what he said, but you felt all the more drawn to the speaker. ...

The thought depressed him, though it seemed to please Jellicoe, for the latter caroled in a gay undertone as he dressed, till Psmith, who had a sensitive ear, asked as a favor that these farmyard imitations might cease until he was out of the room.

In the music, that night, there was a feeling that, to them, was newa vague, uncertain, halting undertone that was born, they felt, of fear.

Janet joined him with a subdued contralto, and the two voices, without words, made themselves into a harmonious undertone of an accompaniment.

Then they gathered together in excited groups and discussed the incident in heated undertones.

" Kitty laughed, and, wagging her head to and fro, sang in a merry little undertone, "Taffy is a Welshman, Taffy is a thief Flaunting as a Yankee man; that's my belief.

67 adjectives to describe  undertone