7 adjectives to describe vestries

The hundreds and tythings were represented by their own officers, and had their hundred-courts and courts-leet, which exercised a trifling criminal jurisdiction, but were chiefly assemblies answering to our grand juries and parish vestries.

She used to have a Bible class on Sunday afternoons and on a week-day evening in that little vestry belonging to the church.

Entirely against her will Suewhilst she looked on her guardiancould think of nothing save of that day in Dover, the lonely church, the gloomy vestry, and that weird patter of the rain against the window panes.

On entering his crowded vestry, he soon observed John, sitting upon the front seat.

Doulting); (2) octagonal vestry on S. with chamber above; (3) mural tablet with emblem of peacock, on N. wall of tower, designed by Burne-Jones; (4) Norm.

stone pulpit, (3) double pillar piscinas, E.E.; (4) effigies of knights in armour, supposed to be Mallets, stowed away on the window sills; (5) organ chamber, once a double-floored vestry; (6) old font and good brass to Wm.

Together they went into the tiny vestry

7 adjectives to describe  vestries