24 adverbs to describe how to feeblest

It was quite impossible; he was so exceedingly feeble; he could not walk a hundred yards.

Hovering at her side was Hagar, and feeling it her duty to say a word of comfort the stately lady remarked that it was best the babe should die; that were it her grandchild she should feel relieved; for had it lived, it would undoubtedly have been physically and intellectually feeble.

Sir Beverley, grown piteously feeble, sank down in the chair, and remained there huddled and gasping for many dragging minutes.

Byron's are scarcely less so; but with him there was no invention, only experience, and when he attempts to express more than he has himself known, he is always comparatively feeble.

I became hourly more feeble; I lay down, but was unable to rise again.

Among inherently feeble and greatly overdone expedients may be reckoned the oath or promise of secrecy, exacted for no sufficient reason, and kept in defiance of common sense and common humanity.

It was alleged against Thackeray that he made all his good characters, like Major Dobbin and Amelia Sedley and Colonel Newcome, intellectually feeble, and his brilliant characters, like Becky Sharp and Lord Steyne and Blanche Amory, morally bad.

"To the mentally proud and mentally feeble he was equally a bore."

As an institution, however, the position of the Irish State Church was undoubtedly a difficult one to defend, the very same arguments which tell most forcibly for the State Church of England telling most forcibly against its numerically feeble Irish sister.

When Kate reached Washington she found Mrs. Sprague convalescent, but painfully feeble.

Except for Muckle John, they were so pitifully feeble, a pack of humble, elderly folk, worn out with fasting and marching and ill weather.

It was the voice of a very old man, tired out, indifferent, poignantly feeble.

Two rapscomparatively feeble.

From the Dream Pictures we proceed to Songs (a very simple love story told in forms as nearly conventional as Heine ever used), to Romances which, with the notable exception of The Two Grenadiers and Belshazzar, are relatively feeble attempts at the objectivation of personal suffering; and thence to Sonnets, direct communications to particular persons.

The monsieur grew thinner than ever, and sadly feeble.

We see an infant colony rather than a developed State; it was so feeble as scarcely to attract the notice of the surrounding monarchies.

It was just five years after the Elder's death that she found herself, one Sunday morning, feeling singularly feeble and lifeless.

She has grown terribly feeble, and has twice had fainting-fits like the one that changed my destiny.

But in point of fact Grampus knew nothing of the book until his friend Lord Narwhal sent him an American newspaper containing a spirited article by the well-known Professor Sperm N. Whale which was rather equivocal in its bearing, the passages quoted from Merman being of rather a telling sort, and the paragraphs which seemed to blow defiance being unaccountably feeble, coming from so distinguished a Cetacean.

But its influence as a peacemaker is astonishingly feeble just for this reason, that its appeal is to an interest which mankind very rightly disregards whenever it feels that more weighty matters are in question.

But, before the declaration is condemned as utterly feeble and inconclusive, let us consider what was the question to which it was intended as an answer.

It is the observation of Rousseau; Both children and men are essentially feeble.

In fact, the apparently achieved civilization was so grossly material in its successes, so forcibly feeble in its failures, so beset with vulgarity at its summit and undermined by destitution at its base, that even the horrors of the present war, with its appalling loss of the best lives of the chief nations of the earth, may be a blessing to mankind in the long run if they purge its notions about the things that are worth trying for.

The frontier virtue of independence and of impatience of outside direction found a particularly vicious expression in the frontier abhorrence of regular troops, and advocacy of a hopelessly feeble militia system.

24 adverbs to describe how to  feeblest  - Adverbs for  feeblest