45 adverbs to describe how to friend

' A fortnight later a plot concerted between the American prisoners and their friends outside was discovered just in time.

"In such a compass of time," he says, "a man may have a close apprehension what it is to be forgotten, when he hath lived to find none who could remember his father, or scarcely the friends of his youth, and may sensibly see with what a face in no long time OBLIVION will look upon himself.

Respectfully your Friend, LYMAN A. SPALDING.

She had done her work so thoroughly that the dogs became, not merely her friends, but her abject slaves, and were ready at any time to swim the river at her call.

Mr. Williams, (I think that is his name,) a pious Methodist man, a great stickler for law and good order, professedly a great friend to the black man, delivered the negro into the hands of Nichols.

Lovingly your friend, Lizzie.

" "You're in luck, that's wot you are," said his friend, enviously.

until I stopped him, saying: 'Softly, kind friend, and I will answer; only tell me first, where is Master Elzevir?' 'Nay, that I cannot say,' he answered, 'for never a soul has set eyes on Elzevir since that summer morning we put thee and him ashore at Newport.' 'Oh, fool me not!'

I remain, with congratulations, "Sincerely your friend, ..." The young man sat there, dazed.

I cannot express the confusion I was in; though the joy of seeing a ship, and one that I had reason to believe was manned by my own countrymen, and consequently friends, was such as I cannot describe; but yet I had some secret doubts hung about me, I cannot tell from whence they came, bidding me keep upon my guard.

Would you not blush, should friends deride

And for a reason that ought to have made him doubly her friend, her solace, her protector.

He devoted careful attention to the preparations for his funeral; eminently a friend of order and decorum, he left nothing to chance, but provided for the precise number of masses to be said, the exact amount of wax to be consumed, and the kind of mourning liveries to be worn by his servants.

Faithfully your friend, THEO.

But when speech at length became possible, the two friends, fervently and with a religious awe, declared that their deliverer must have been divine and not human, so tremendous was the death-blow he had given the ruffian, and such winged and contemptuous slaughter he had dealt among the fugitives.

"He merely furnisht his friend with matter for laughter.

" Friend (hurriedly).

"You have done nothing that an honorable rivaland incidentally a good friend of minemight not do.

Justly your Friends and Mistresses you blame, |

"How can I, mine impatient friend?" quoth de Chavasse lightly, "the hour is late already.

Thou, then, Jack, lovedst thy friend; and pitiedst thy poor suffering Lovelace.

It gave an address, but no namemerely "Your old friend."

Mr. Farewell told me that though this arrangement might be somewhat inconvenient in his bachelor establishment, he had been unable to resist the entreaties of the English lawyers, who felt that no one was more fitted for such onerous duties than himself, seeing that he was English and so obviously my friend.

Von Blitz, openly his friend and ally, despite their sad encounter, was the thorn which pricked the natives into a state of uneasiness and doubt as to their agent's sincerity.

"A sad sight is here," She cried aloud; and forth ran out in haste The friends whom she had left but a few minutes past.

45 adverbs to describe how to  friend  - Adverbs for  friend