28 adverbs to describe how to se

"'No,' he ses, very thoughtfully, 'it wouldn't.

Il possedoit le monde et non une asseurance; Il estoit seul partout, hors mis sa conscience, Et fut marqué au front affin qu'en s'enfuiant Aucun n'osast tuer ses maux en le tuant.

"You should keep your eye on 'is fist," he ses, sharply.

"Afore 'e got stout and old," he ses, shaking his 'ead, "there wasn't a smarter skipper afloat.

Purgantia censebant medicamenta, non unum humorem attrahere, sed quemcunque attigerint in suam naturam convertere. 4239.

Note the rescript of Alexander Severus to a certain Aquila (Codex, ii, 18, 13): Quod in uxorem tuam aegram erogasti, non a socero repetere, sed adfectioni tuae debes expendere.

On me dit que c'étoit un homme peu sûr dans ses paroles, et aux promesses duquel il ne falloit pas trop se fier.

It is taken in the more seaward pools of our northern rivers, sometimes in several hundreds at a single haul; and vast quantities, after being boiled, and hermetically se

Ces poèmes se passent l'un à l'autre le flambeau de la tradition humaine.

Volucrum voces et linguas intelligere se dicit Abderitans Ep.

Que la destinée se rende en lice, et qu'elle me donne un défi à l'outrance.

"Wot a delicious smell o' roses!" he ses, out loud.

Now, Mounseuir Leidenberge you may se openly The issues of your desperate undertakings, And your good helpes, myne Heeires; now you must feele too, And to your greifes, what the deserts of those are That boldly dare attempt their Cuntries ruyn

Here thou seest plainly that such a man is not righteous, being destitute of that faith and belief which is necessary to make him acceptable before God and His Son; yea, he is an enemy to this faith, and therefore to righteousness also.

[Nepos]; non numero haec judicantur sed pondere

The end of the poem bidsthough more reluctantlyfarewell to the muses also: Ite hinc Camenae; vos quoque ite jam sane dulces Camenae (nam fatebimur verum, dulces fuistis): et tamen meas chartas revisitote, sed pudenter et raro.

" "This is wot comes o' trying to do you a favour, Ginger," ses the old man, reproachfully.

"'Sartainly,' I ses.

Dans ses flancs ténébreux, nuit et

Si quelqu'vn a de la peine à tirer ses mots comme par force, ne vous amusez pas á luy en suggerer, pour faire paroistre quelque desir d'aider celuy qui parle, si'l ne vient à vous en prier, ou que le tout se passe

dico, in nos nihil astra urgere, sed animos praeclives trahere: qui sic tamen liberi sunt, ut si ducem sequantur rationem, nihil efficiant, sin vero naturam, id agere quod in brutis fere.

Adeunt templum ut rem divinam audiant, ut ipsae simulant, sed vel

Look down into the vaultwhat seest thou?" "I see only a heap of clothes, like a snowdrift," said Foster.

Somner derives the name from the Belgic Wentelen, volvere, versare se, a sinuosis flexibus.

Wherefore, O Light of the Sun, thou that seest all things and givest bounds unto the sight of mine eyeswherefore

28 adverbs to describe how to  se  - Adverbs for  se