81 adverbs to describe how to speed

Next, flashes of lightning sped swiftly along the skies, and peals of crashing thunder appalled the earth and me likewise.

Every now and then he halts, surveys the trail, and again speeds onward in pursuit.

The adventurer was soon supplied with a sufficient quantity of gold and jewels to satisfy his most unbounded wishes; and turning from the spot with a light heart, he sped merrily along.

By this time the day had brightened into a cold sunlight, and as we sped south from Nancy on the Lunéville road, through the old town of St. Nicholas du Port, with its remarkable church, and past the great salt works at Dombasle, all the country-side was clear to view.

The terrified playmates looked "All silently,they look'd again And silently sped home And every heart was bursting then,

O Mother, fill mine hair with happy flowers, And speed me forth.

The skipper stepped into the cupboard without further parley, and the girl, turning the key, slipped it into her pocket and sped downstairs.

The summer sped past, but a faster summer than any reckoned on the calendar of months and days was speeding in Elspie's heart.

Every landing was now noisy with servants, maids sped upstairs, flunkeys sped down, a butler waddled in a circle.

She sprang up, obeying blind impulse, sped softly to the intervening door, with hands that trembled shot the bolt.

" "AboutDrusilla, sir?" ventured Yates; but Mr. Carr was already gone, speeding noiselessly out the back way, through the kitchen garden, and across the great tree-shaded lawn which led down to the boat landing.

" Several hours were passed in pleasant conversation while the train sped rapidly southward.

The air grew colder as night came on, and speeding northward they saw the thermometer dropping degree by degree, and felt the chill creep through their garments in defiance of their electrical heating device.

Far back, even now, a fleet of perhaps a dozen German air planes were speeding westward.

So they sped steadily downward, realizing that the goal they sought must now, with the aid of their dog-team, be easily within their grasp; yet realizing also that all means of returning was likely to be denied them, unless, indeed, one were to call five dogs a means of traveling over hundreds of miles of tangled, tumbling mountains of ice.

Frank had figured it all out while he was speeding along so smoothly.

As has been stated earlier, the speed of a convoy like that of a squadron or fleet is necessarily that of the slowest ship, and in order to prevent delay to shipping, which was equivalent to serious loss of its carrying power, it was very necessary that convoys should be composed of ships of approximately the same speed.

"Strong, too," her thought added as the light picked out his well-set shoulders and the sweep of the arm which sped the paddle so lightly yet so strongly up and down.

Imperceptibly this radical left wing of his emotions speeded up his meal, again.

The next she turned, and again hurried in to the house, from whence she escaped by a back door, and sped breathlessly towards 'the Burying Hill.'

I snatched a blazing pine limb from the fire as I rushed by, and with the light flickering upon the walls of the place, we sped madly after the flying figure that was barely discernible when the blazing branch flung a splinter of light into the gloom.

Like a tempest down the ridges, Swept the hurricane of steel, Rose the slogan of Macdonald Flashed the broadsword of Locheill! Vainly sped the withering volley 'Mongst the foremost of our band On we poured until we met them, Foot to foot, and hand to hand.

" We went down together in the elevator, and three minutes later we had hailed a taxi and were speeding eastward toward the Avenue.

" Thereupon, half-reassured, the neighbor ascended the wagon, Sat like one who for a prudent leap is holding him ready, And the stallions sped rapidly homeward, desiring their stable.

How that day was passed, and how fleetly its hours sped away, it is needless to tell.

81 adverbs to describe how to  speed  - Adverbs for  speed