9 adverbs to describe how to universals

These are not alone, for the condition of ascerbity and nagging is practically universal.

He would not have written, 'That we are fallen upon an age in which corruption is not barely universal, is universally confessed.'

Milton is not so close to his fighting angels as Homer is to his fighting men; but the war in heaven is an incident in Milton's figurative expression of something that has become altogether himselfthe mystery of individual existence in universal existence, and the accompanying mystery of sin, of individual will inexplicably allowed to tamper with the divinely universal will.

In relation to this independently universal and substantial existence all else is subordinate, subservient to it, and the means for its development.

Religion and moralityin the same way as inherently universal essenceshave the peculiarity of being present in the individual soul, in the full extent of their Idea, and therefore truly and really; although they may not manifest themselves in it in extenso and are not applied to fully developed relations.

The symphony that followed fell like a mighty universal hush, through which the clarionet-stop chanted, unuttered but articulate,'Give to us peace.'

But it is not too much to say that neither religion at its worst nor republicanism at its worst ever offered the coarse insult to all mankind that is offered by this new and nakedly universal monarchy.

Education, publicly provided, free and compulsory, therefore presumably universal, was established primarily for the benefit of the workers' children, yet of all children it is they who are at this moment receiving the least benefit from it.

The religious sentiment, so far, at least, as it relates to the belief in the existence of God, appears to be in some sense innate, or instinctive, and consequently universal in the human mind.

9 adverbs to describe how to  universals  - Adverbs for  universals