15 Metaphors for current

The current of electricity is not the motive power, but a corrector.

Near the land, and between the latitudes of 28° and 10° north, a fresh gale almost always blows from the N.E. Long sand-banks, which extend a great way out to sea, and which are extremely difficult to be distinguished in the mornings and evenings, and the prevailing currents, were powerful obstacles to the enterprise of these navigators.

Human life is like a river Its brightness lasts not on for ever That dances from its native braes, As pure as maidhood's early days; But soon, with dark and sullen motion, It rolls into its funeral ocean, And those whose currents are the slightest, And shortest run, are aye the brightest: So is our lifeits latest wave Rolls dark and solemn to the grave.

The current is slack and the water shallow and clear, but dark colored.

Now it is precisely at these hours that the difference between the temperature of the lower layers of the atmosphere and that of the surface of the ground is the greatest, and that the ascending currents of air starting from the ground are the strongest.

'To stem a torrentor, the current of a river,' is a well-known expression, indicating one sort of material force in opposition to another.

The lymph-current is in a sense a slow and stagnant side stream of the blood circulation; for substances are constantly passing from the blood-vessels into the lymph spaces, and returning, although after a comparatively long interval, into the blood by the great lymphatic trunks.

Many times had all of them seen the Bird boys, and perhaps Percy Carberry as well, soaring aloft as if the upper air currents might be their natural heritage; but up to now they had never had the chance to examine one of the wonderful machines, and touch the various parts gingerly as though afraid of injuring them.

The current, to him, had become the crowd.

"Below the rapids, for about two miles, the current is strongprobably six miles per hourbut the water seems to be deep enough for any boat that is likely to navigate it.

These currents, rapid evaporation combined with a lack of steady atmospheric pressure, and that sticky state of soil which on ploughed land invariably follows a frost, and in a lesser degree affects grass, causing a fox to take his pad scent on with him (all the particles that do not cling to the ground having been diffused and lost in the air),these are the curses of modern hunting fields and the chief causes of bad scenting days.

The current of the Black Sea was the best armor for the defenders of this aquatic defile against the attacks of the fleets.

From the very first the current had been continuous, the only interruption taking place when I was not five hundred miles from the Earth's surface.

The Italian, on the other hand, makes everything subordinate to feeling; for him the music must sparkle with pleasure, burn with passion, or lighten with rage; borne upon the tide of emotion, the under-current of harmony is a matter of little moment; there may be symmetry of structure, and learning in the treatment of themes; if so, well; if not, their absence is not noticed as an essential defect.

The current thus produced is radiant energy converted into electrical energy directly and without chemical action, and flowing in the same direction as the original radiant energy, which thus continues its course, but through a new conducting medium suited to its present form.

15 Metaphors for  current