65 Metaphors for lovers

"Oh, ye lovers of the beauties of the Prophet," he cries, "Faith is the greatest of cures.

In a letter to a friend she proceeds thus, 'My other lover is about twice Albert's age, nay and bulk too, tho' Albert "be not the most Barbary shape you have seen, you must know him by the name of Van Bruin, and he was introduced to me by Albert his kinsman, and was obliged by him to furnish me in his absence, with what money and other things I should please to command, or have occasion for.

It was Frêne's lot to be doubly abandoned, and to see her lover become her sister's husband.

It must be said for the man that every lover is a species of Platonisthe identifies the Beautiful with the Good and the True.

The happy lovers are now in the States of the Church, and under the puissant protection of the cardinal secretary, Don Camillo's mother's brother.

Because these lovers are traitors secretly striving to perpetuate all this misery and turmoil that otherwise would come to a timely end.

The black lover with whom she is fatally enamored, is he not the Darkness, in which the twilight fades away?

Nor did he fail to identify his case with the good of the Commune, by making out Gabrielle's lover to be a Bonapartist and an enemy of the people.

Cupid, if lovers are thy care, Revenge thy vot'ry on this fair; Do justice on her stolen charms, And let her prison bemy arms.

The forsaken lover was first man up the bank.

That first lover was also an invention of my own, to make the story more to the point.

In writing before November 28, 1798, "This ['The Witch'] and the 'Dying Lover' I gave you are the only extracts I can give without mutilation," Lamb may have meant that Southey was at liberty to print them in the Anthology.

To prevent a scandal, he sanctions the marriages, and discovers that the two lovers, both in family and fortune, are suitable sons-in-law.

The lover is once again Krishna and the girl most probably Radha.

Her feelings were those of Psyche, when she found that her lover was a god with wings and a mania for flight.

The lover who does not yet know that he will be loved is a figure of tragedy.

Really, lovers are the only people you can depend on.

Ah! who does not recall the rapture of a first love-letter!the tangible assurance it brings that our lover is still our ownthe hungry eye that runs over every line traced by that dear handthe oft-repeated words his voice has spoken stamped on the pagethe hidden sensethe half-dropped sentencesall echoing within us as note to note in chords of music!

My next lover was Fungoso, the son of a stockjobber, whose visits my friends, by the importunity of persuasion, prevailed upon me to allow.

The lover, however, is not an ordinary prince but Krishna himself, his blue skin and royal halo leaving no possible doubt as to his real identity.

If legitimate lovers, whose cooing is desirable and approved, are a sickly and sickening spectacle, surely the sight of illegitimate lovers would make the blood boil in the veins of Moses, Miriam, or Job. Bobby, Tou Tou, and I, having no one to hang over us, or gawk amorously up at us, are sitting in a row in our pew.

This lover who was so soon to be transformed into a husband was a formidable personage.

But to me, a sun-lover, to whom the charm of the South has been irresistible, such a trial is one that taxes to the utmost all the powers of endurance.

Lovers are slaves to their mistresses, rich men to their gold, courtiers generally to lust and ambition, and all slaves to our affections, as Evangelus

This lover was an Englishman of a type sufficiently familiar in novelscold and masterful, but, for some reason not apparent to me, extremely attractive.

65 Metaphors for  lovers