5 Metaphors for oasis

" He paused for a moment, then asked: "Why are certain memories imperishable?" He buried his face in his nervous hands and sighed: "Why, oh, why?" "Our oasis," Anna said, to assist him in his memories, or perhaps because she shared in the intoxication of reviving them, "was the corner where the lindens and acacias were on your estate in the government of Kiev.

The oasis of Siweh, on which stood the far-famed temple of Jupiter Ammon, was many miles in extent, and was said to have contained in ancient times a population of eight thousand souls.

One oasis in this fault-finding desert, was the outside colony of freedmen.

The oases of this great wilderness are those places in which there is an absence of the general fertility: barrenness in such circumstances is a relief,because it allows both freedom and repose.

] An oasis is a fertile spot in a desert.

5 Metaphors for  oasis