33 Metaphors for turkey

Turkey being the rara avis the imprisoned, it was but natural that I should desire to gratify a palate long insulted.

Turkey, the Ottoman state, is not a unity, climatic, geographical, racial, or economic; it is a pretension, enforced by bloodshed and violence whenever and wherever the Osmanli Government has power.

Turkey must become a really Mohammedan country, and Moslem ideas and Moslem influence must be preponderant.

Here, then, was the psychological moment: Turkey for the Turk was the aim of the Committee of Union and Progress, and with a discontented population, unwilling to fight, the moment had come for restoring to the Turk this mass of property which at present belonged to an alien race.

Turkey was not then what it is now,ripe fruit to be gobbled up by Russia when the rest of Europe permits it; but Turkey then was a great power.

Scrooge and the Cratchits and I are, as I have said, all in one boat; the turkey and I are, to say the most of it, ships that pass in the night, and greet each other in passing.

The turkey and the guinea fowl are examples, and perhaps within another generation we may be able to add the zebra.

Turkey was a short, pursy Englishman of about my own age, that is, somewhere not far from sixty.

THE TURKEY.The common turkey is a native of North America, and was thence introduced to England, in the reign of Henry VIII.

It is just as well to recognise that at the present moment Turkey is virtually and actually a German colony, and the most valuable colony that Germany has ever had.

BULGARIA, with Eastern Roumelia (3,154), constitutes a Balkan principality larger than Ireland, with hills and fertile plains in the N., mountains and forests in the S.; Turkey is the southern boundary, Servia the western, the Danube the northern, while the Black Sea washes the eastern shores.

For Turkey is not a sick man: Turkey is a sickness.

Turkey thus is a very valuable ally to whichever party she joins.

And right here I declared myselfwild turkey is the game for me.

It was worth while to study the psychology of the Turks, because dimly then, but with ever-increasing distinctness, Germany foresaw that Turkey might be a counter of immense importance in the great conflict which was assuredly drawing nearer, though as yet its existence was but foreshadowed by the most distant reflections of summer lightning on a serene horizon.

Turkey is the only State which might seriously threaten the English position in Egypt by land.

"Turkey-in-Asia" is a transitory phenomenon, a sort of chrysalis which enshrouded the countries of Western Asia because they were exhausted and needed torpor as a preliminary to recuperation.

'Turkey is a sick man,' he said, and added something which gave great offence then about the advisability of putting Turkey out of his misery.

Brown Turkey, Black Ischia, Yellow Ischia, White Marseilles, Brunswick, and St John's are all good varieties for open-air cultivation, or for growing in houses.

That turkey, do you know, was the first thing Baby ever took any notice of, except the candle?

A turkey is more occult and awful than all the angels and archangels In so far as God has partly revealed to us an angelic world, he has partly told us what an angel means.

The turkey was a knot, and he had missed even that.

Turkey was the source of perpetual trouble to the Czar; and his eyes were frequently drawn to India, where one of his envoys half threatened an English minister that the troops of their two countries might meet, and was curtly answered by the minister that he cared not how soon the interview should begin.

Turkey, in a religious point of view, was the certain and inflexible enemy of Russia,so handed down in all the traditions and teachings of centuries.

Turkey is a match for Russia on the continent.

33 Metaphors for  turkey