649 Words to use with city

Then across the flat stretches, his shadow under him moving across moor and the sand of desert, slowing at the perpetually eastern edge of a mirage, brushing his actual wings against the brick of city walls; the garret of a dreamer, brain-sick with reality.

She went up to them very closely, for she was curious to see the place through which she had come in her sleep,as a traveller goes back to see the city gate, with its bridge and portcullis, through which he has passed by night.

I look for the time when the typical politician shall be an honorable man; when to be "in the ring" of municipal or national control shall mean to be an integral and orderly part of the administration of God's great world; when city life shall be purified; and when international law shall be the interpretation of the will of the Almighty for the rule of nations.

Our city governments are, in many instances, foul cancers on the body politic; and for us to boast of having solved the problem of local self-government is as fatuous as for a strong man to exult in his health when his body is covered with running sores.

The city streets that led to the south, which in those days ended in lanes, popped out of sight abruptly at the top of the first ridge.

I know she doesn't mean to call upon me, because my husband is a city man.

While at the bottom of the dispatch was forged the name of my friend, KISSLEBURGH, city editor of the Troy Times, who, up to the present time, if this coot knows herself, hain't bin into the hiway robbin' bizziness, not by a long shot.

He had a seat in the city council.

"I can do this work better than any man," was the announcement made by a young woman from the Pacific Coast as she descended upon the city hall in an eastern town, credentials in her hand, and asked for the position of city chemist.

Knitting rooms were opened, clothing depots, mending rooms, where donated clothing was repaired, and in one month fifty-six thousand orders for milk, five hundred thousand for bread, and three hundred thousand for meals were distributed for the city authorities.

He owned a[n] of land near the city limits; a speculator bought a[n] of this and divided it into city lots.

Some "city folks" did hold villas on the outskirts, but they used them only for short seasons in the late summer, when the air at the lake began to grow too sharp for outdoor pleasures.

" "For an indulged city girl?"

These Sumerians, in the fourth millennium B.C., lived on tells heaped up above flood-level, each tell a city-state with its separate government and gods, for centralisation was the one thing needful to the country which the Sumerians did not achieve.

Not until Everest's body was brought back to the city jail was it discovered that the mob had lynched the wrong man.]

The Heads of the Vaisya families in them establish in the cities houses for dispensing charity and medicines.

Of the five children the eldest is the high-spirited, impulsive Bruno, who is just of an age to go away to a city school.

I believe I can tell you one big difference between the city boy and the country.

If they are city dwellers, women have seen bread and preserves transferred; if farm dwellers, they have seen the curing of meat and fish transferred, the making of butter and cheese.

She had written out an advertisement, to be inserted in all the city papers, and was to visit the offices herself with young Bevan that evening.

This was said while the vicar was still making his bow to his new parishioner, who knew very well that her visitors had not intended to call; for the Turners were dissenters, to crown all their misdemeanors, beside being city people and nouveaux riches.

All of the property of the company was owned by the organization, but in 1856, having become somewhat financially embarrassed, their accounts were turned over to the city and they were thereafter under the control of the city fathers.

Take the item of the care of children in city parks.

It was impossible for the ground police to do anything with the excited enthusiasts and at last the city police were asked to assist.

He looked, as he stood there, more like a dandified city clerk than the desperate criminal suggested by Hill's confession.

649 Words to use with  city