18 Words to use with explanations

Mechanical explanation C-N2000 register; including illustrations, service helps, and inspection charts.

R570976. Insured savings, explanation sheet.

Mechanical explanation book, National accounting machine, class 3000.

Mechanical explanation receipt and slip printer.

Furthermore, if from our childhood, phenomena had been of daily occurrence requiring a space of four or more dimensions for an explanation conformable to reason, we should feel ourselves native to a space of four or more dimensions.

And then came explanationthe sort of explanation dreams bring.

Explanations ensue, and it gradually appears that Mirtillo is the eldest son of Montano, washed away in his cradle by the floods of the Alpheus twenty years before.

"So let's eat, drink, and be merry," he finished his explanation gayly.

" He delivered this explanation jerkily, in the intervals of lugging the lady forth from her durance.

How so magnificent a divination came to her at all may well be a matter for astonishment, though some clue of explanation lies, perhaps, in the very simpleness of her nature.

But as soon as an explanation nation or reason is added, such explanations, namely, and reasonings as I have any where met with, then my heart leaps back again, recoils, and I exclaim, Nay!

Opening account book No. 6 B, the explanation proceeds.

And he thinks it better, to call those verbs intransitive, which are followed by that and a dependent clause, than to supply the very frequent ellipses which the other explanation supposes.

Might not the same explanation account for that curious droop of the eye with which the two younger clutched at each other's hands, to keep from screaming, and interchanged whispered words which Sweetwater would have given considerable out of his carefully cherished hoard to have heard.

You see I have an explanation toooh, not here!

If they bring this difficulty to you one by one, you have to explain it over and over again, whereas, when it is brought to the class, one explanation answers for all.

They are entitled to as full an explanation asas I am.

Even if you didn't die, you'd be in the hands of the police with a lot of explanations comin'.

18 Words to use with  explanations