52 Words to use with husbanding

My husband hath of late so much estrang'd His words, his deeds, his heart from me, That I can seldom have his company; And even that seldom with such discontent, Such frowns, such chidings, such impatience, That did not truth and virtue arm my thoughts, They would confound me with despair and hate, And make me run into extremities.

The widow is a vulgar, pretentious husband-hunter, wholly without principle.

May his guardian angels watch over the loved ones at home until the father and husband returns.

'tis as easie As I to live without you; I am your husband, And long have been so, though our adverse fortune, Bandying us from one hazard to another, Would never grant me so much happiness, As to pay a husbands debt; despite of fortune, In death I'le follow you, and guard mine own; And there enjoy what here my fate forbids me.

At all events, I am sure I am sparing my husband pain.

The price of the prince's head was 15,000 thrismas; a bishop's or alderman's HEAD (quere, ought not the STOMACH to have been the part thus valued?) was valued at 8,000; a sheriff's, 4,000; a thane's, or clergy-man's, 2,000; a ceorles, or husband-man's, 266.

The husband campaign.

Call stoutly on thy Paduan patron, and husband thy strength; for none of the main have ever yet borne away a prize in Venice.

But the birth of a son, of which the widowed princess of Orange was delivered within a week of her husbands death, revived the hopes of those who mourned his loss, and offered her the only consolation which could assuage her grief.

"I wish I could git a husband fer every one of yer," said he.

" But who can tell the fury that Mocassin Flower was in when she saw that strange woman bringing her husband food.

Some wish a husband-fool; but such are cursed, For fools perverse of husbands are the worst: 140 All women would be counted chaste and wise, Nor should our spouses see, but with our eyes; For fools will prate; and though they want the wit To find close faults, yet open blots will hit; Though better for their ease to hold their tongue, For womankind was never in the wrong.

Theresa, once the matter of husband-getting was safely settled, had no restraint of prudence upon her self-complacence.

A new gown apiece, and black silk kerchiefs to tie over their heads instead of red cotton, and the little cabin new red-washed, and soup in the pot, and a garlic sausage, and a bottle of good, costly liniment for Anne Marie's legs; and still a pile of gold to go under the hearth-bricka pile of gold that would have made the eyes of the defunct husband glisten.

Next spring Gudrid took the dead body of her husband home; and Thorfin, surnamed Kallsefner, an Icelander of some consequence, descended from King Regner-Lodbrok, married the widow of Thorstein, from which he considered himself entitled to the possession of the newly discovered country.

A Husband's welcome, and as an humble Wife I'le entertain him; no Sovereignty I aim at, 'tis the man's, Sir; for she that seeks it, kills her husbands honour: The Gentleman I have seen, and well observ'd him, yet find not that

If a girl can't be husband-hunting, she's got to be doing something to keep busy.

Might not a company of Wives be beholding to thee for places, that would be there without their husbands knowledge, if neede were? Grac.

Dr. Buck came up from Geneva on Thursday and spent the night and part of Friday with us, and it would have done you good to hear him and your husband laugh.

Gives to her babes the self-devoted wife, To her fond husband liberty and life!

It was strange to see this little dark-complexioned, dark-eyed girl, the merest handful of flesh and bone, divest herself at will of her personality, and assume the tragic horror of Lady Macbeth, or the passionate rapture of Juliet detaining her husband-lover on the balcony of her chamber.

Lost in despair, distracted, and forlorn, The lover I, and tender husband mourn.

Who, moving others, are themselves as stone, Unmoved, cold, and to temptation slow, They rightly do inherit heaven's graces, And husband nature's riches from expense; They are the lords and owners of their faces, Others, but stewards of their excellence.

And bitter dregs of love thou ne'er didst know: The coldness that your husband oft has mourn'd, Does vanish quite, when warm'd on Turkish ground.

Ann I am allmost kild; & further saith yt about a year & eleven months agou she went to sd Disbrows house wth young Thos Benits wife & told Mercy Disbrow yt Henry Greys wife sed she had bewitcht his her husbands oxen & made y jump ouer ye fence & made ye beer jump out of ye barrill & Mercy answered yt

52 Words to use with  husbanding