200 Words to use with ter

Yew won't see anybody ter-night.

"Ter-morrer!" proclaimed Samuel; whereupon Abe looked a little dubious and lifted up his two feet, wrapped as they were in the blanket, to determine the present strength of his legs.

Lemme see," the twinkle deepening, "didn't the gals say yew was a 'spectin' somebody ter-day?

I jes' want one mo' look at dat man, an' den I'll haf ter git somethin' ter eat; fer two raw turnips in twelve hours is slim pickin's fer a man er my size!"

Is you gwine ter sleep all de mawnin'?

"'Turnt ter clay!

so niasy about what they eat; an' he kept the visitors a-laughin' jest ter see him here, an' when yew make folks laugh they want ter turn around an' dew somethin' fer yew.

" "Then it's yer intention ter work out'er this yere berth?"

" "I wish you would," said Jerry; "and, judge, ef they've lost any, and will let me hev twenty men, I'll fetch every one o' the critters back afore ter-morrow night at this time, or you may call old Jerry a liar, and that's what no man ever done yet, that's sartin.

"Him's las' words was referrin' ter yer, yer pore beast," he had said, snuffling out loud.

He had not to wait long be-fore the latch lift-ed, and his mo-ther en-ter-ed.

"Dey's a big fight down-town; de folks dey done tore de Six Reggimen' all ter pieces, an' dey's wuk'n 'long on de Fif now.

She had already be'n in de house fer a week, an' Mars Sam knowed ef she once come ter stay, she'd be de mist'ess of eve'ybody in it an' him too.

I 's ter fin' a colored lady w'at 'll begin ter suit me after habbin' libbed in de same house wid you.

"We're a nice set ter talk erbout dewin' somethin'a passel o' poor ole critters like us!"

But that isn't so with ours, and I jest can prove it, too; 'Cause when Sis plays on the organ so it makes yer want ter die, Why, he sets and says it's lovely; and that, seems ter me, 's a lie:

She 'lowed dat 'ud keep de goopher off'n him tel de spring; but w'en de sap begin ter rise in de grapevimes he ha' ter come en see her ag'in, en she tell him w'at e's ter do.

He shrank down with ter-ror as he look-ed up-on the white teeth and fi-e-ry eyes of the sa-vage brute, and gave him-self up for lost, when, to his joy, one of the great hands e-mer-ged from a-midst the thick fo-li-age of a tree, and pla-ced it-self be-tween him and his en-e-my; at the same time the o-ther hand seiz-ed the wolf, and crush-ed it in its grasp.

A yel-low But-ter-fly one day, Grown tired of play and tired of fly-ing, Up-on a this-tle blos-som grey With out-spread wings was i-dly ly-ing.

"Sandy," said Julius, in reply to my wife's question, "was a nigger w'at useter b'long ter ole Mars Marrabo McSwayne.

"Dere ain't much ter tell.

He soon came to a dense wood, where the gi-gan-tic trees, with gnarl-ed and twist-ed trunks, wound their e-nor-mous limbs a-round each o-ther in the most fan-tas-tic forms, and the tan-gled un-der-wood twi-ned like snakes a-cross the path, as if to for-bid any ven-tu-rous foot from en-ter-ing into the dark green depths.

"I used ter think," she confided to her bosom friend, "thet boarders wuz good fer nuthin' 'cept ter be an aggervation an' a plague; but I couldn't think o' nuthin' else ter do, an' I made up my mind I'd ruther put up with 'em than lose Miss Di-an, even ef their antics did make me gray-headed afore the year wuz out.

"But I want ter know,you!" shrieked the guide.

Atlas an' carry the world on her shoulders, she'll find I'm warranted ter wash an' not shrink in the rinsin'.

200 Words to use with  ter