14 Words to use with ti

She told her misfortune, and Tahu-Tahu made passes and thrashed about with the sacred ti-leaves, and commanded her to put Faaraianuu in the lake again.

In his pock-et he has much bright sil-ver, the pro-duce of his la-bour: the con-tents of the wag-gon shows the farm-er's gra-ti-tude to Wil-lie for his promp-ti-tude, en-er-gy, and in-dus-try; and, more than all, for his risk-ing his life to save that of his dar-ling child.

Think o' Mis' Panel in a ti-airy, boys; but shush-h-h- h!

The long-est day will, how-e-ver, have an end: but when Wil-lie's first day wa-ned, the farm-er was struck with as-to-nish-ment at be-hold-ing the gold-en rows of hea-vy corn, stand-ing for his ad-mi-ra-tion in the well ti-ed sheaves.

[Music: Do it hear-ti-ly!]

You, Tom, must in the mid-dle stand, And mark the time, with stick in hand; You, bro-ther Ben, the tongs must take, For they will good tri-an-gles make; Hal clicks the 'bones,' and Em-me-line Will beat her lit-tle tam-bour-ine, And cous-in Fred will drum a-way, And Kate the con-cer-ti-na play.

Ora ti prego, che a quel ch' io domando Risponda il vero, a d' uomo pregiato; Se in se' veramente quell' Orlando, Che vien tanto nel mondo nominato; E perchè qui sei giunto, e come, e quando; E se mai fosti ancora innamorato; Perche ogni cavalier, ch'è senza amore, Se in vista è vivo, vivo senza core.

Shigeru, [=O]shima Toshikaza, Hsü Ti-shan and Wan Kuo-ting.

They were very angry at being cheated out of a feast, and fell upon the tiger and beat him, till he ran away and was seen no more: but his bride was left to flit from tree to tree singing: "You married me to a ti-ti-tiger: You threw me to a bear: Take back the necklace you gave me Take back the bracelet and the diamonds and the coral.

The What's-a-name here, as kept the Tiddley-um-tum in place, was sort of riding on the Squeak-box, so as the Tiddley-om-pom and the other Jigger sort of gave the half-seas-over to the Thing-a-me-bob and missed the Rum-ti-tum.

così vinto mi dei Subito ch' io ti viddi; eh, non fuggire, Forza non ti farò; deh, stammi audire.

but consoles the disconsolate Mother, doomed to honour for the sake of us sinners Sei arrivata a tanti onori Per noi altri Peccatori! and ends by begging an alms Non ti vo' più infastidire, Bella Signora; so chi hai a fare.

And he's mostly right in his prog-nos-ti-cations.

Che provato ha costui servendo, amando, Piangendo e disperando, Raddolcito esser puote pienamente D' alcun dolce presente: Ma, se più caro viene E più si gusta dopo 'l male il bene, Io non ti chieggio, Amore, Questa beatitudine maggiore: Bea pur gli altri in tal guisa; Me

14 Words to use with  ti