39 collocations for bee

Betwixt us and the cloyster's but one wall, And that of no greate height; coold wee in private Conveighe this fryar into the monastery, It might be then imadgind som of them Might bee his deathe's-man; which might seeme more probable Bycause, as I had late intelligens, There hathe bin stryfe amongst them.

Your sonne was madde and drownd: this cannot bee. Alp.

This man Abdoll wee found to bee a captiue or slaue, and sawe there his wife and children in very poore estate dwelling in a little cottage not so bigge as an hogsty: but by oure meanes he was made free and well rewarded.

If your worship would take my Counsell, considering the league at Barwick and the late expeditions, wee may find some of these things in the North or else speake with some reform'd Captaine, though he bee a Catholike; and it may bee wee may have them at cheaper rates.

and wee bought horses and mules, for that they bee very good cheape there, I my selfe bought a horse there for 11.

You are not the first Captaine that has seene no service: 'tis time lost to travell for't when a man may bee a Comander at home.

I yeelded first in mind though it bee my course last to speake: but if Silvestris find me not ever at home, let him curse himselfe that gave me wings to flie abroad, whose feathers if his jealousie shall breake, my policie shall imp.

What it should bee More then his Fathers death, that thus hath put him So much from th'understanding of himselfe, I cannot deeme of.

Sure sutche sweete features, goodnes, modesty Such gentlenes, such vertue cannot bee Deryvd from base and obscure parentadge.

Heav'n has my bow my life shall never bee Elder then my unstain'd virginitie.

If it shall please you to make me a wholsome answer, I will doe your Mothers command'ment: if not, your pardon, and my returne shall bee the end of my Businesse.

well In one thats of thy yeares and gravity, That ought to bee in lyfe and government To others an example, nowe to doate So neere the grave!

Heare's my sworne soon, that but even now acknowledgd mee to bee his father. Ashb.

This must bee A favour, Sir, to visit us at parting.

Let it bee A feeling one; Tigellinus, bee't Thy charge, and let me see thee witty in't.

What fellowship, agreement, or likenes, can there bee, between the daunce of these holy fathers, and these which wee behold nowe at this day among christians.

I haue seene with mine eyes, that those people and souldiers haue eaten of all sorts of wild beastes that are on the earth, whether it bee very filthie or otherwise all serueth for their mouthes: yea, I haue seene them eate Scorpions and Serpents, also they feed of all kinde of herbes and grasse.

Device, Amble before and find the parson out; We will bee friends and thou shalt be her father.

The phrase would bee more Germaine to the matter:

Nay if there bee in any bawde a sowle This nowe hath mett the body.

And by this name of Portugales throughout all the Indies, they call all the Christians that come out of the West, whether they bee Italians, Frenchmen, or Almaines, and all they that marrie in Cochin do get an office according to the trade he is of:

Here bee many Moores and Gentiles, the king is called Zelabdim Echebar: the people for the most part call him The great Mogor.

I will part with it only on this condition, that if there bee nothinge in it which concernes them, the rest may returne to mee unrifled and untutcht.

The first sort bee the round pearles, and they be called Aia of Portugale, because the Portugales doe buy them.

Thy wife did lye with one; thou, being dead drunke, Then art no Cuckold though she bee a Punke.

39 collocations for  bee