3513 collocations for hears

I was pretty busy, but I heard distinctly Handy Solomon's voice behind me.

I could scarcely hear her muttered words.

We had accomplished perhaps half the distance, when I heard again the sound of falling stones on the other sidethe side from which we had just come.

All sorts of rumours were afloat; we used to hear the wildest stories and plans.

Then, I heard a cry from Tonnison; he was shouting my name, excitedly, and without delay I hurried along the rocky promontory to the ruin.

Then, as I turned homeward, I heard a short, unintelligible noise, among the bushes to my right.

While he was at Carlsbad he heard the news.

I've hearn it said that when a man has eaten a hearty dinner, and goes to sleep with the hot sun pourin' right down on him, he's apt to see and hear a good many strange things before he wakes up.

As he heard the well-known slightly creaking step, his heart began to beat loudlyquick beats.

She was very clever, very original, had known all sorts of people, and it was most interesting to hear her talk about King Louis Philippe's court, the Spanish marriages, the death of the Duc d'Orleans, the Coup d'Etat of Louis Napoleon, etc.

While he is in the village, let the country pastor go to town, browse in libraries, art-collections, hear music, and get a general quickening of interest and inspiration.

The wood-cutter's hut was perched upon an eminence a little out of the public path; but he heard the merry songs of his comrades as they proceeded gaily to the place of rendezvous, at the Golden Stag in the village below.

Once they thought they heard a distant shout of response, but there was no repetition.

" He evidently had heard the same report, and spoke warmly of Freycinet,intelligent, energetic, and such a precise mind.

"Didn't you hear footsteps?" he asked.

God heard Mary's prayers.

It had been suggested once or twice that I should use it, but as I always had heard a gruesome tale of Madame Drouyn de l'Huys, when her husband was Foreign Minister, hanging in space for four or five hours between the two floors, I was not inclined to repeat that experience.

The practical man, who hears the dinner-bell and prides himself upon this fact, may not hear sounds far-off and clear, that ring in the impractical man's ear, and that may sometime tell him how to make a better dinner-bell, or provide a better dinnera great social philosophyfor the race!

I have heard the roar of the lion of the desert, the yell of the hyena, the trumpeting of the elephant, the scream of the panther, the howl of the wolf.

Perhaps you had better hear a frank account of the whole story, and the explanation of what I admit you are so far justified in setting down as concocted and wildly improbable.

Suddenly he heard a single note on the 'high C.' He groped his way to the keyboard, but there was no one there.

While I was standing thus bewildered, the men, who had heard the shot and the war-whoop and had seen the Indian take a tumble, came rushing back.

Do I hear any man who wants to come agin me on them yer terms?" shouted still another.

I heard the howl of the wolf, the scream of the panther, and the hoarse bellow of the moose, and though I did not succeed in taking or even seeing any of these latter animals, yet I or my companion slew a deer every day after we entered the forest, and might have slaughtered half a dozen had we been so disposed.

Some infidels, who do not subscribe to the doctrine that nothing was made in vain, consider it an unmitigated nuisance, but the devout and thoughtful Christian recognizes it as Nature's preventive of plethora, and as it alternately breathes a Vein and a song, it may be said (though we never heard the remark,) to combine the utile with the dulce.

3513 collocations for  hears