20 collocations for lurch

" Robert Nolan could not contain himself any further, and lurched backward as if he had been struck.

Nicholas lurched his body over the brink, his arms outstretched, straining farther, farther yet, till it seemed as if only the counterweight of the rest of the population at the other end of the canvas prevented his joining the Boy in the hole.

They ought to be careful how they lurch a man's brains out.

He did not know his luck, nor would he believe me when I tried to point it out; but a nice man in a plaid (who knew South Africa) lurched round the corner and fell on him with facts and imagery which astonished the patriotic young mind.

But a freak of the waters lurched the two crafts apart.

She swung back when the cars lurched round a curve, and the measured roll of wheels changed to a sharp, broken din.

" "You'd better take my arm, sir; you're as weak as a baby, and the ship lurches a good deal to-day.

I do not remember any picture of the war more curious, and, as it were, uncanny than the first sight of Zossen as our motor came lurching down the muddy road from Berlinthat huge, forgotten eddy, that slough of idle, aimless human beings against the gray March sky, milling slowly round and round in the mud.

She was dressed in bright-figured hues from top to toe, her filmy hat had lurched over one eye, and all together she looked like a Chinese lantern, or a balloon inflated for its rise but entangled in its moorings.

She was following a course as straight as a crow's flight between the ranch of Drew and his old place, a desperate trail that veered and twisted up the side of the mountain and then lurched headlong down on the farther side of the crest.

Now from the shelter of the café canopy Lanyard and Athenais Reneaux looked out upon a pave like a river of jet ribboned with gently glowing lights and running between the low banks of sidewalks no less black: both deserted but for a few belated prowlers lurching homeward through the drizzle, and a rank of private cars waiting near the entrance.

The buckboard reappeared, lurching up a farther knoll, and then rolled out of sight to be seen no more.

" The play began at six o'clock, for the camp lights are out at nine, and it was in the dusk of another one of Berlin's rainy days, after slithering through the Tiergarten and past the endless concrete apartment-houses of Charlottenburg, that our taxicab swung to the right, lurched down the lane of mud, and stopped at the gate of Ruhleben.

Then he lurched a little to the other side, and after much tribulation at last extricated an ample round snuff-box.

They lurched nearer; the shock was close at hand; every one set teeth and tightened grip.

It was about twenty feet from the shore, and just as it was opposite to where we stood it lurched round and looked straight at us.

Leaning back in the soft depths of the cab, he savored his independence, cheered already by the swaying, lurching speed.

She lurched heavily under the sea that was now getting up, and, a squall striking her, her lee guns were completely buried.

The bully lurched straddling away.

Nevertheless, the bells ringing at the horses' necks, the cracking whips, the tilt lurching white through the dusk somewhat reassured him.

20 collocations for  lurch