43 collocations for misjudge

It is neither fair to him nor to the cause, that we should misjudge its character by founding our estimate of it on a partial or incomplete induction.

Hence we misjudge things.

At first he had thought they were mocking him, but it was impossible to misjudge the nature of the applause.

This time, however, they misjudged the situation.

Eagerly I longed for a sight of the word I sought: but I had misjudged the men against whose cunning I had measured my own.

" "Indeed, you misjudge me, Madame," says Calvert, who could scarce restrain a smile at the lofty manner of the beautiful girl, "as you misjudge the crowd, for 'tis applauding someone among the noblesse now,"

But I soon found that this misanthropy was unjust, that I misjudged the pure depths of life's river by a little dirty froth floating upon the surface.

I levelled my servant's rifle, but misjudged the distance, and he took no notice.

The early explorers and adventurers make fairly well-beaten trails; but it is incumbent on them neither to boast of their own experiences nor to misjudge the efforts of the pioneers because, thanks to these very efforts, their own lines fall in pleasant places.

As an effect of the Industrial Revolution upon industry and commerce, the Revolutionary War occurred, the colonial aristocracy misjudged the environment, adhered to Great Britain, were exiled, lost their property, and perished.

Arthur watched him open each paper in the bundle slowly, spread it out and, to put off the hateful moment for speech, pretend to peruse it deliberately before laying it on his knee; and, dim though the boy's conception of his father was, he did not misjudge the feelings behind that painful reluctance.

Not for slavery, as we blindly thought, misjudging them as we must always misjudge our foes (or we should not have the hate in our hearts to fight them); but for the very thing we were fighting forliberty, as they believed.

Oh, continue to love menever, never misjudge the faithful heart Of Thy Beloved L. Ever thine, ever thine, ever each other's.

Moreover, as each new land grows old, it misjudges the yet newer lands, as once it was itself misjudged.

No one misjudges your loyalty....

"My dear girl," he said, controlling himself, "I think you are misjudging the magnitude of a lover's quarrel.

Therefore misjudge not the maiden who now of thy dearly beloved, Good and intelligent son has been first to touch the affections: Happy to whom at once his first love's hand shall be given, And in whose heart no tenderest wish must secretly languish.

I wish to misjudge no mannot even a member of a nation notoriously devoted to absinthe and illicit relations.

I wish to misjudge no mannot even a member of a nation notoriously devoted to absinthe and illicit relations.

"I feared that you, too, might have misjudged methere in the woods at SŽesthat I had cheapened myself to youthat

Do not misjudge the Moors.

But I do not think that Rust, when Madame consented to be his companion at Brighton, seriously misjudged her motives.

And yet I may misjudge heray, Women (like Mosby) mystify.

Left ignorant of the ironmaster's generous intentions, she attributed his ready deference to all her wishes to his ambition to become her husband, and even felt contempt for the readiness with which he had enacted his part in the humiliating comedy played before the duke, so thoroughly did she misjudge passionate, generous-hearted Philippe, whose only dream was to restore her happiness.

" "I think you misjudge your own people," returned Dr. Burns, "they are broader than you think.

43 collocations for  misjudge