30 collocations for softest

The silent heart which grief assails, Treads soft and lonesome o'er the vales, Sees daisies open, rivers run, And seeks, as I have vainly done, Amusing thought; but learns to know That solitude's the nurse of woe.

who ne'er obtain'd with all your sighs One tender look from Chloe's sparkling eyes, In shades like these her cruelty assail, Here, whisper soft your amatory tale; The scene to sympathy the maid shall move, And smiles propitious crown your slighted love.

The older and softer the betterslippers with thin, worn soles.

[Illustration] Sweet is the voice that calls From bab-bling wa-ter-falls In mead-ows where the down-y seeds are fly-ing, And soft the breez-es blow, And ed-dy-ing come and go, In fad-ed gar-dens where the rose is dy-ing THE QUARREL.

The gentlest hart that grac'd the plain; Blow soft your bugles, sound his knell, Then lay him low in Death's drear dell!

"I've seen it afore, in a pair of eyes just like her eyes, Johnnyso soft an' deeplike, like the sky up there when the sun's in it.

And only now can share thy doom, And share thy peaceful grave!" Soft, as amid the lunar beams, The falling shadows bend, Upon the bosom of the streams, So soft her tears descend, "Those tears a father ill can bear, He lives, my child, for thee!

~Priscilla.~ Priscilla in the garret loft Of rare old silks and velvets soft A heap espying, Forgotten hues of a by-gone day!

Cheerful is the hearth, soft the matted floor; Not one shivering gust creeps through pane or door; The little lamp burns straight, the rays shoot strong and far I trim it well to be the wanderer's guiding-star.

Knotted and warted, slabbed and armoured like the hide Of tropic elephant; unstormable and steep As some grim fortress with a princess-pearl inside, Where savage guardian faces beard the bastioned keep: So hard a rind, old tree, shielding so soft a heart A woman's heart of tender little nestling leaves; Nor rind so hard but that a touch so soft can part, And Spring's first baby-bud an easy passage cleaves.

Mightier and mightier grew within him that sweet longing, broader and softer the leaves, noisier and happier the birds and animals, balmier the fruits, darker the heavens, warmer the air and more fiery his love; faster and faster passed the Time, as though it knew that it was approaching the goal.

Oh, what an Ague chills my shivering Limbs, Turns my hot Rage to softest Love, and Shame!

FROM MORAL ESSAYS OF THE CHARACTERS OF WOMEN Nothing so true as what you once let fall, 'Most women have no characters at all.' Matter too soft a lasting mark to bear, And best distinguished by black, brown, or fair.

Nor dare we trust so soft a messenger, New from her sickness, to that northern air: Rest here a while, your lustre to restore, That they may see you as you shone before; For yet the eclipse not wholly past, you wade Through some remains, and dimness of a shade.

And whene'er the music hushes, Soft the pine-tree murmurs creep; Far away a cataract rushes Look, our noble king's asleep!

Yet soft his nature, tho severe his lay, His anger moral, and his wisdom gay.

Right sweet were the linen cloths upon the bed, and so soft the pillow, that he who lay thereon would sleep, were he sadder than any other in the world.

Only the snow can reach her as she lies, Far and serene, and with cold finger-tips Seal soft the lovely quiet of her lips And lightly veil the shadows of her eyes.

The night is dark, the waters deep, Yet soft the billows roll; Alas!

Then she sez, kind of soft an' smilin': 'Why, Mister Jasper, what d'you want to see my album for?

Deaf folk hear the fairies However soft their song; 'Tis we who lose the honey sound Amid the clamour all around That beats the whole day long.

The daisy follows soft the sun, And when his golden walk is done, Sits shyly at his feet.

"Thoughts that breathe, and words that burn," would not be an inapplicable motto for this oriental romance, which unites the purest and softest tenderness with the loftiest dignity, and glows in every page with all the fervour of poetry.

thou askest me to sing our loves, And sing them fain would I; but I do fear To mar so soft a theme; a theme that moves My heart unto its core.

The longer and softer the tube the better.

30 collocations for  softest