144 collocations for stuffed

" Patsy tittered and stuffed her handkerchief into her mouth.

'For thee we dim the eyes, and stuff the head With all such reading as was never read; For thee explain a thing till all men doubt it,

What is the best material for stuffing ballot-boxes with? Answer.

The slighter and less solid his materials are the more room they take up and make him swell the bigger, as feathers and cotton will stuff cushions better than things of more close and solid parts.

The nerveless left hand of the mountaineer, which had barely possessed steadiness to light a match, was far too inaccurate to handle a fork; and Bull saw his uncle stuffing his mouth with his fingers and daring the others to watch him.

I'm very sorry, Madam, but the one in the middle is stuffed, poor fellow.

He stuffed a piece of paper in Graham's shirt pocket as he exited.

At present all we have discovered are some bones, with which we stuffed our pockets.

Season and stuff each bird with chopped oysters well seasoned, and sprinkle with parsley.

Even in school the teacher too often proceeds to stuff the child with information before first awakening interest in the subject.

Afterward, filled to repletion, with the sense of perfect contentment a good dinner brings, the two young men stuffed their pipes and puffed strata of smoke toward the log rafters of the room.

He stuffed the letter into his tunic pocket and I went back to the corner by the front door.

" "You stuff all the papers back in the sack.

and the young tyrant, giving the boy a vigorous kick or two as he rose, stuffed the book into his own pocket, and walked off.

If it hadn't been for the broom handlejust the end of it stickin' up"he shrugged his gaunt shoulders as he stuffed the tobacco into the bowl of his pipe"I'd been dead!"

While he ran he stuffed the money into his inside coat pockets.

Racey stuffed his tobacco-bag into his vest pocket and knelt beside the body.

After he got it all on and fixed right, he stuffed his old clothes into the place and locked it up again.

As soon as twins were born, they would break the babies' backs and stuff the little bodies into a jar made out of a big gourd.

"Put the boy on the billiard table and stuff this blanket under his head," I said, grabbing the article mentioned from the top of a bundle near by.

"Hurry, my child," urged Coquenil, and working madly with a piece of stick that he had wrenched from one of the logs, he met each feather of smoke with a strip of cloth, stuffing the cracks with shreds of garments, with Alice's veil and hat ribbon, with the lining of his coat, then with the body of it, with the waist of her dress, with his socks, with her stockings, and still the smoke came through.

Such mothers as these should go and reside among the native tribes of Indians in Guiana, in South America, where they make it a point not only to stuff their children's stomachs as long as they will hold, but actually to shake it down.

There were ugly negro figures from Venice, holding plates, in the passage, and stuffed bears for lamps, and such a look of newness about everything!

He said a man had sprung in upon him, stuffed the bedclothes into his mouth, and dragging his box from under the bed, had made off with it.

He stuffed his fingers underneath, and wrenched; then as he came and went, catching sight in a mirror, was shocked to see that, in Biblical fashion, he had rent his garments.

144 collocations for  stuffed