304 collocations for tempt

Not that he expected a cheery greeting from Lou Macon, but he was drawn by the same perverse instinct which tempts a man to throw himself from a great height.

And as the ships became dangerous to navigate with much longer, they remonstrated, saying that they wished to return to their homes in Castile, and not to tempt fortune and the sea any more.

His practice was to kill all the young animals which were not uncommonly large and thrifty; to cram those he kept, with as much food as they would eat, and to tempt their appetites by the variety of their nourishment, as well as of the modes of preparing it.

If they are not in earnest in such words they mock God; but if they are in earnest, some of them, I fear much, tempt God.

And therefore (as you will see at first sight) the first two temptations were clearly meant to tempt our Lord to pride; for would they not tempt you and me to pride?

I've always lived among them, and in future, if anybody who's a friend of mine gives me a child to put out to nurse, I shall say: 'We won't take the little one to La Couillard, for it would be tempting Providence.

"Thou hast suffered poverty to tempt thee into grievous sin, Jacopo; but it is never too late to call on the saints for aid, and to lay aside the stiletto.

"You've been tempting fate to-night," he remarked with assumed carelessness.

A dainty succulent soft shell crab, nicely cooked and well browned, tempts the eye of the epicure and makes his mouth water.

'That's a worse trick still, sir; for it tempts the poor thoughtless boys to go and marry the first girl they can get hold of; and it don't want much persuasion to make them do that at any time.'

The ninth Book, which we are here to consider, is raised upon that brief Account in Scripture, wherein we are told that the Serpent was more subtle than any Beast of the Field, that he tempted the Woman to eat of the forbidden Fruit, that she was overcome by this Temptation, and that Adam followed her Example.

Vendors of frivolities know better than to waste time tempting those provident people.

my heart shall be The faithful compass that still points to thee. 'Believe not what the landmen say, Who tempt with doubts thy constant mind: They'll tell thee sailors, when away, In every port a mistress find

A desultory conversation then ensued, respecting the language and translations of the Scriptures; in the course of which his Lordship remarked, that Scott, in his Commentary on the Bible, did not say that it was the devil who tempted Eve, nor does the Bible say a word about the devil.

that tempts an unoffended person to kill the slave, that abhors and flies your service?

One drink, dear friend, before we part Before I tempt the shining sea; One drink to pledge each constant heart Yet stay, what shall the tipple be?

Gifts have been heralds; panders did presume To tempt thy chaste ears with their unchaste tongues: All in effect working to no effect; For I was still the watchman of thy tower, The keeper of foul worms from my fair flower.

He, for he cannot tempt true chastity, Fills all the land with hostile cruelty.

He no longer laughed, sang, or rollicked about the house as of old; he had tasted of the fruit of the awful Tree of Life which from the beginning had tempted all mankind, and which had changed Arthur Pendennis the light-hearted boy into a man.

There was no little Eton at Fettes; nor do I think, if there had been, that a genteel exotic of that class would have tempted either my wife or me.

If you lust after evil things, as those old Jews did; if you are idolaters, as they were; if you are profligates, as they were; if you tempt Christ, as they did; if you murmur against God, as they murmured, you will be destroyed like them.

(where by wisdom he means the elegance and refinement of Grecian literature.) Agreeing, as in the main I do, with the sentiments here expressed by this eloquent writer, I must notice that he has, however, mistaken the sense of the [Greek: saemeion], which the Jews would have tempted our Saviour to shew,namely, the signal for revolt by openly declaring himself their king, and leading them against the Romans.

He does not want to tempt the cupidity of Europeans, by showing them the resources of the empire.

I might say much more on the point; how He showed these by His truth; how He proved that He, and therefore His Father and your Father, was not that Deus quidam deceptor, whom some suppose Him, mocking the intellect of His creatures by the FACTS of nature which He has created, tempting the souls of His creatures by the very faculties and desires which He Himself has given them.

Her "ducklings" and other symptoms of maternal agony at beholding the feathered darlings tempting the dangers of a neighboring duck-pond, do not move their stony breasts.

304 collocations for  tempt