713 examples of audacity in sentences

The audacity and grandeur of Byron must certainly tend towards culture.

And they have the audacity to call their craft the Lolathe Lola, of all names!"

He contended that the events which had taken place were due to the initiative of the people, the noble audacity of General Garibaldi, and the constitutional rule of Victor Emmanuel, united to his devotion to the cause of Italian freedom.

In all other countries, in which discussion is permitted at all, there is at least the appearance of fair play, whatever may be done covertly; but here, it seems to be sufficient to justify falsehood, frauds, nay, barefaced rascality, to establish that the injured party has had the audacity to meddle with public questions, not being what the public chooses to call a public man.

And with all his freedom and audacity, he ever kept within the limits of strict propriety, which is, perhaps, saying still more.

" "There I must contradict you," said Goethe; "the audacity and grandeur of Byron must certainly tend towards culture.

She was half surprised at her open audacity, half repentant.

He knew his late favourite well, her impulsiveness, her audacity, her lack of all restraint when thwarted or opposed.

One favourite had succeeded another, and if De Montespan had held her own so long, it was rather from her audacity than from his affection.

'It was my first love sorrow, and I thought I should never forget it, but after all,' said Wagner, with his wonted audacity, 'I think I cared more for the dog than for the Jewess.'

The arch-conspirator had the audacity to be present, and Cicero addressed him personally in the eloquent invective which has come to us as his "First Oration against Catiline".

The brilliant, venturesome imagination, defying forecast with ever-fresh surprise; the sense of humour in its finest and most naïve form; the power to touch with lightest hand the undercurrent of pathos in the midst of fun; the audacity of creative fancy, and the delicacy of insightthese are rare gifts; and surely they were his.

Its spirit of dauntless audacity and severe concentration alone is antique.

There had always been that look of audacity on his brow joined to a certain manliness of good-humour in his mouth, as though he had been thoroughly master of himself and the situation.

The audacity of his occasional coarseness and personality is unparalleled in contemporary literature, and has hardly been exceeded by the license of former days.

In view, however, of his unqualified condemnation of the theories of metaphysicians, his system is one of singular audacity of speculation.

There was, in this smallest and least considerable of the Brontës, an immense, a terrifying audacity.

Charlotte was bold, and Emily was bolder; but this audacity of Anne's was greater than Charlotte's boldness or than Emily's, because it was willed, it was deliberate, open-eyed; it had none of the superb unconsciousness of genius.

There are scenes, there are situations, in Anne's amazing novel, which for sheer audacity stand alone in mid-Victorian literature, and which would hold their own in the literature of revolt that followed.

With his characteristic restless audacity Frémont joined his little company of explorers to a local insurrectionary faction of American settlers, and raised a battalion of mounted volunteers.

With the informal audacity that was the keynote of the evening she reached out and gently rubbed the camel's nose.

She clutched a top support and gasped for breath, appalled at his audacity, or my speed, or both.

When his friends, after his death, published selections from his journals and letters, the world was shocked by what seemed his amazing audacity both of thought and expression about a number of things and persons which it was customary to regard as almost beyond the reach of criticism.

A devoted admirer of Bach and Handel, thoroughly well up to his work, gifted with a lively imagination, and that audacity of idea which belongs only to the Teutonic race, Lemm might in timewho can tell?have been reckoned among the great composers of his country, if only his life had been of a different nature.

The government of the United States struck with the audacity of this piracy, despatched a cruiser in pursuit of them.

713 examples of  audacity  in sentences