5686 examples of because of in sentences

Because of this, the monastery is called Paravata, that being the Indian name for a pigeon.

The heroic bravery of the German soldiers dying for their Fatherland, and the heroic fortitude of the German women who bear and sufferall fail to evoke any enthusiasm in this country, or in other neutral countries, because of the stain which the German military Government has put upon their sacrifices.

It was builded of pearls and precious stones, also the streets thereof were paved with gold; so that, by reason of the natural glory of the city, and the reflection of the sunbeams upon it, Christian with desire fell sick; Hopeful also had a fit or two of the same disease: wherefore here they lay by it awhile, crying out because of their pangs, "If you see my Beloved, tell him that I am sick of love.

He was a dangerous adversary and judges were afraid of him, not because he ever tricked or deceived them but because of the audacity and novelty of his arguments which left them speechless.

It chanced, therefore, that the host departed, leaving Uther at Verulam, because of his infirmity, none being with him, save the folk of his private household.

The first two cantos of Childe Harold (1812) are perhaps more frequently read than any other work of the same author, partly because of their melodious verse, partly because of their descriptions of places along the lines of European travel; but the last two cantos (1816-1818) written after his exile from England, have more sincerity, and are in every way better expressions of Byron's mature genius.

In the scholar's world we're known because of him.

Thirty years ago I was asked to come to this college precisely because my science was not in isolation, because of my vivid feeling of us as a moment in a long sweep, because of my faith in the greater beauty our further living may unfold.

Although it may be I have broken my heart because of thisat any rate I know that I am acting according to law; no one will dare to look me in the face and jeer.

They are incompatible with a renaissance sensibility because of the narrative style of their intended unfolding.

[Footnote 10: Because of these conditions the last fifty years has been considered by some writers as a "dark age," for the South.]

They deliberately choose their ideal of what is worth knowinge.g., 'God,' or 'the unity of all things,' or 'the laws of the universe'and, disregarding all other existences, they pursue the kind of reality they desire because of its religious or moral or aesthetic value.

I could feel that I had grown lighter from loss of flesh, because of the unnatural life that I was leading.

Nations do not first become rich and learned and then free, but the lesson of history has been that they first become free and then rich and learned, and oftentimes fall back into slavery again because of too great wealth, and the resulting luxury and carelessness of civic virtues.

And, as usual, he failed absolutely, because of the curious and insane stubbornness of the woman.

It exists because of the efforts of hundreds of volunteers and donations from people in all walks of life.

It exists because of the efforts of hundreds of volunteers and donations from people in all walks of life.

" The cook offered her a glass and she, vanquished, drank and drank, making a wry face because of the alcoholic intensity of the liquid.

Because of this timeless quality, however, an appreciation of them does not depend upon an exact knowledge of their authorship or historical background.

And still some of them think the halls are different, and that there they'll be clapped and cheered just because of their reputations.

Special foundations may be affiliated with our trust, for the encouragement of particular branches of knowledge, for the reward of merit, for the construction of buildings; and each gift, like the new recruits of an army, will be more efficient because of the place it takes in an organized and efficient company.

He will prize it the more because of its antiquity....

This function is of less importance in America than elsewhere because of the great size of our country and of the small portion of our boundaries touching those of other nations using different monetary units.

" "Though I comforted myself with the hope that God would not allow a matter which tended so much to the exaltation of his church to be left imperfect, when I had through so much opposition and trouble brought it almost to perfection; yet I considered that it might be his will that I should not be permitted to obtain such honour in this world, because of my demerits.

Mr. B expressed the strongest interest in and pity for them, because of their colour: it seems unjust almost to the rest of their fellow unfortunates that this should be so, and yet it is almost impossible to resist the impression of the unfitness of these two forlorn young creatures, for the life of coarse labour and dreadful degradation to which they are destined.

5686 examples of  because of  in sentences