47 examples of braised in sentences

31.French Braised Sweetbread.

This meat, which possesses in the highest degree the most nutritive qualities, is generally easily digested; stock is made from it, and it is eaten boiled, broiled, roasted, stewed, braised, and in a hundred other different ways.

Draw out the bones, dish the meat, and garnish either with tufts of cauliflower or braised cabbage cut in quarters.



It was tried in every fashion,braised brisket, roasted ribs, broiled steaks, filet sauté, boiled aitchbone, &c.,and in all, gave evidence of the fact, that a new meat of surpassing value had been added to the products of the English park.

Braised Capon.

Braised Turkey.

Braised Turkey.

Braised Ham.

Braised Ham. Asparagus.

Braised Mutton Cutlets and Cucumbers.

Braised Shoulder of Lamb.

Braised Ham and Spinach.

Braised Ham.

Braised Ham, garnished with Broad Beans.

Braised Ham. Vegetables.

Chickens à la Vase of Braised Goose. Béchamel.

Braised Ham.

Dinner: Soup "parmentier"; fish croquettes; braised beef with cabbage.

Do have the goodness to continue your comments; for I go slowly, as the subject demands, and keep much in petto (on which account many readers grow impatient who would be quite satisfied to have the whole meal from beginning to end, well braised and roasted, served up at one sitting, so that they could the sooner swallow it, and on the morrow seek better or worse cheer at random, in a different eating-house or cook's-shop).

The flaxseed should not be crushed, as the mucilage is in the outer part of the kernel, and if braised, the boiling water will extract the oil of the seed, and render the decoction nauseous.

These cuts of meat are the most nutritious ones and by long, slow cooking can be made as acceptable as the more expensive cuts of meat; they are best boiled or braised.

BRAISED BEEF Heat some fat or goose fat in a deep iron pot, cut half an onion very fine and when it is slightly browned put in the meat.

BRAISED OXTAILS Two oxtails, jointed and washed; six onions sliced and browned in pot with oxtails.

47 examples of  braised  in sentences