5 examples of charioteering in sentences

Spain, indeed, rode in a high chariot for a time, but at length, in that unlucky Armada drive, crashed against English oak on the ocean highways, and came off creaking and rickety,grew thenceforth ever more unsteady,finally, came utterly to the ground, with contusions, fractures, and much mishap,and now the poor nation hobbles hypochondriacally upon crutches, all its brave charioteering sadly ended.

The master heard this observation, and said to his disciples: 'What shall I practise, charioteering or archery?

I will practise charioteering.'

As she moved off, Lawrence from his open door called out: "Bon voyage" and in a full, clear voice she thanked him, but did not dare to look around, so intent was she upon her charioteering.

How gaily he jokes with his three sisters; with what inexhaustible volubility he pours out quotations from his favourite poets, applying them to the lovely scenes around him; and with what a mischievous delight in his superior nerve and mettle, he attempts the feats of charioteering, which fill the heart of the youngest of the party with sudden terrors!

5 examples of  charioteering  in sentences