6862 examples of choices in sentences

There lies before the Western world the greatest of all choices, the choice between destruction and salvation.

One of thy choices or one of thy chances, (Be they tasks God imposed thee or freaks at thy pleasure)

This discourages random, hasty, or careless choices.

In the last column, the daily ratio of these first choices appears.

Since the total number of doors open in the ten settings is thirty-five, and since in each of the ten settings one door is describable as the right door, the probable ratio, apart from the effects of training, of right to wrong first choices is 1 to 2.50.

Comparison of the data of table 1 indicates that the number of correct first choices is inversely proportional to the number of doors in use, while the number of choices made in a given trial is directly proportional to the number of doors in use.

The period of confinement, as punishment for wrong choices, was increased from thirty seconds to sixty seconds on April 26.

The curve is based upon the data in next to the last column of table 1, that is, the column presenting the errors or wrong first choices in each series of trials.

This method appears, with certain slight variations, in approximately ninety per cent of the trials which involved incorrect choices.

Thus, in the case of trials 121 to 130, of which eight exhibit right first choices, the remaining two exhibit the method described above except that the final member at the right end of the group was in each case omitted.

These give the right and wrong first choices for each day, whereas the two columns preceding them give the same data for each series of ten trials.

========+===========+==============+==============+==============+==============+==============+==============+==============+==============+==============+==============+===+===+===+===+======== [Footnote 1: First choices correct by reason of aid from the experimenter are not counted as correct (R) in the summary.]

An increase in the number of correct choices promptly resulted, and continued until on July 14 the ratio of choices was 1 to .54.

An increase in the number of correct choices promptly resulted, and continued until on July 14 the ratio of choices was 1 to .54.

It appeared from these data that a relatively small number of choices, say not more than ten a day, the rewards in connection with which supplied the only food received by the animal, yielded most favorable results.

The detailed data of table 2 indicate that at this time Skirrl was making his choices by memory of the particular setting.

An analysis of the choices indicates, however, that two of the five correct choices were made in box 8, which, as it happened, had proved a peculiarly easy one for him throughout the training, since from the first he tended to avoid door 9.

An analysis of the choices indicates, however, that two of the five correct choices were made in box 8, which, as it happened, had proved a peculiarly easy one for him throughout the training, since from the first he tended to avoid door 9.

The extreme irregularities of this curve are most interesting and puzzling, as are also the variations in the daily ratios of right to wrong first choices.

The expected ratio of one right to four wrong choices per series appears (see table 3) for the first series of trials, and this in spite of the fact that Skirrl had been trained for several weeks to choose the second door from the right end.

One would ordinarily have predicted a much larger number of incorrect choices.

The right choices were due to the monkey's strong tendency to go first to the first door at the right and thence to the one next to it.

I have observed some instances, when this has been neglected, of choices being made, and connections formed, which must be often very prejudicial.

Teacher's guide to accompany The body's needs; or, Wise health choices and health problems, by W. W. Charters, D. F. Smiley & Ruth M. Strang.

Indeed, these choices were the exceptions, and in each case were marked by minutely particular details.

6862 examples of  choices  in sentences