1041 examples of cruisers in sentences

The Turkish cruisers supported both of Nazim Pasha's flanks with the fire of heavier guns than the Bulgars possessed.

The profit of our commerce naturally withholds our sailors from our ships of war, and makes part of our navy an idle show; the certainty of plunder incites them to turn their merchant ships into cruisers, and to suspend their trade for more profitable employment.

Such actions as that on November 17, 1917, between our light forces and the German light cruisers and minesweepers were the result.

In addition a number of the older light cruisers were fitted with portable rails on which mines could be carried when minelaying operations were contemplated, in place of a portion of the armament which could be removed; a flotilla of destroyers, with some further flotilla leaders, were also fitted out as minelayers, and several additional submarines were fitted for this purpose.

By the end of that year 12 light cruisers, 12 destroyers and flotilla leaders and 5 submarines had been fitted for minelaying.

Two old cruisers had been added to the minelaying fleet and several other vessels were in hand for the same purpose.

It has been mentioned that there was an insufficient number of vessels available for use as convoying cruisers.

It was estimated that about fifty cruisers or armed merchant ships would be required for this service if the homeward-bound trade to the British Isles alone was considered.

At the time only eighteen vessels were available, and these could only be obtained by denuding the North Atlantic entirely of cruisers.

By this means we could at once provide additional vessels to act as convoying cruisers.

At dawn, shortly after 6.0 A.M., two strange vessels were sighted to the southward, and were later recognized as German light cruisers.

It was very difficult to furnish efficient protection against the surface form of attack from the resources of the Grand Fleet if the practice of running a daily convoy was continued, because it was impossible to forecast the strength or exact characterbattle-cruisers, cruisers or destroyersof the attack; and the first step was to reduce the number of convoys and to increase correspondingly the number of ships in each convoy.

It was very difficult to furnish efficient protection against the surface form of attack from the resources of the Grand Fleet if the practice of running a daily convoy was continued, because it was impossible to forecast the strength or exact characterbattle-cruisers, cruisers or destroyersof the attack; and the first step was to reduce the number of convoys and to increase correspondingly the number of ships in each convoy.

The introduction of the convoy system for the Atlantic trade dates from the early days of May, 1917, when the prospectfor it was only then a prospectof increasing assistance from the U.S. Navy in regard to destroyers and other small craft for escort duty as well as convoy cruisers for ocean work, made the system possible.

A slave ship, which could earn nearly twenty thousand pounds on every voyage, and which could make two runs in a yearthat was the trade for Don Gomez de Montesma, and he carried it on merrily for six or seven years, till the British cruisers got too keen for him, and the good old game was played out.

Great losses had been sustained by citizens of the United States from Spanish cruisers more than twenty years before, which had not been redressed.

Fortunately, a considerable check has been given to that spirit by our cruisers, who have succeeded in capturing and destroying several of their vessels.

But it was the young sky cruisers nearing their destination.

The reply to this was, that we did not wish them to go to Brazil, but we would not obstruct them; and in order to protect them from Portuguese cruisers, a British convoy was offered and declined.

Two months later Congress ordered thirteen cruisers to be built, and named the officers to command them.

In quoting a German opinion on the development of the Russian torpedo fleet, Charmes refers to the type which will, no doubt, be most successful upon the sea, namely, the torpedo cruisers, and it is to this type, more than for any other, that we may expect torpedo boats to be adapted.

It is a happiness to be honored with the visit of two cruisers of your great nation on the same day, and I hope you will so far favor me as to accompany your brother commander, when he shall do me the honor to pay the customary visit, since it would seem to be his serious intention to pay Porto Ferrajo the compliment of a call.

The lugger is a celebrated French privateer, that we have six cruisers in chase of at this moment, our own ship included.

This sight produced a great commotion in the ship, even the watch below "tumbling up," to get another sight of a craft so renowned for evading the pursuit of all the English cruisers of those seas.

In 1822, the United States had several cruisers among the West-India islands, to keep the pirates in check.

1041 examples of  cruisers  in sentences