2499 examples of dels in sentences

See "Capitolo sopra l'epiteto della poverta, à Messer Carlo Capponi," by Matteo Francesi in the Rime Piacevoli del Berni, Copetta, Francesi, &c., vol.

"In somma ella non ha si del bestiale, Com' altri stima, perche la natura Del poco si contenta, e si prevale," &c. [Jesus.] Sir J. Hawkins, in his "Hist.

"In somma ella non ha si del bestiale, Com' altri stima, perche la natura Del poco si contenta, e si prevale," &c. [Jesus.] Sir J. Hawkins, in his "Hist.

And so Gracian is quite right in saying that the only way to win affection from people is to show the most animal-like simplicity of demeanorpara ser bien quisto, el unico medio vestirse la piel del mas simple de los brutos.

But this comprises not all our loss, he having, as I confess, more wit in his little finger than we in all our bodies, and being ever ready with an expedient in the hour of need; and I know not why, but I look on his going as a sign of coming evil; nor am I greatly comforted by his telling me privily that when we want him he shall be found by a letter sent to the Albego Puerto del Sole, Toledo, in Spain.

Andrea del Sarto, for example, once brought as his contribution to the feast a model of this very church we are studying, the Baptistery, of which the floor was constructed of jelly, the pillars of sausages, and the choir desk of cold veal, while the choristers were roast thrushes.

Passing from the Sala di Botticelli through the Sala di Lorenzo Monaco and the first Tuscan rooms to the corridor, we come to the second Tuscan room, which is dominated by Andrea del Sarto (1486-1531), whose "Madonna and Child," with "S. Francis and S. John the Evangelist"No.

CHAPTER XII "Aërial Fiesole" Andrea del SartoFiesole sightsThe Villa Palmieri and the "Decameron"Botticini's picture in the National GalleryS. FrancescoThe Roman amphitheatreThe Etruscan museumA sculptor's walkThe Badia di FiesoleBrunelleschi againGiovanni di San Giovanni.

Ma s'a conoscer la prima radice Del nostro amor to hai cotanto affetto, Farò come colui the piange e dice.

Bellincion Berti vid' io andar cinto Di cuojo e d'osso, e venir da lo specchio La donna sua sanza 'l viso dipinto: E vidi quel de' Nerli e quel del Vecchio Esser contenti a la pelle scoverta, E le sue donne al fuso ed al pennecchio.

Gli antichi padri nostri nel deserto, Se le lor opre sante erano e giuste, Del ben

CHAPTER 16 The Story of Juan del Mundo de Austria and the Princess Maria.

"Very well," said the snake, and went into a house near by; after a little there came out a handsome man with silken clothes, and rings on his fingers, who told her that he was her husband, that he was known among men as Don Juan del Mundo de Austria, and that he was king of all the beasts, being able to take the form of any of them at will.

" [Footnote 1: The Diccionario Maya del Convento de Motul, MS., the only dictionary in which I find the exact word, translates bacab by "representante, juglar, bufon."

[Footnote 2: The entries in the Diccionario Maya-Español del Convento de Motul, MS., are as follows: "Chaac: gigante, hombre de grande estatura.

"Chaac: fué un hombre asi grande que enseño la agricultura, al cual tuvieron despues por Dios de los panes, del agua, de los truenos y relámpagos.

It is also current in the sense of life ("la vida en cierta manera," Diccionario Maya Español del Convento de Motul, MS.).

[Footnote 3: "Al pié de aquella misma torre estaba un cercado de piedra y cal, muy bien lucido y almenado, en medio del cual habia una cruz de cal tan alta como diez palmos, á la cual tenian y adoraban por dios de la lluvia, porque quando

The god of this drink also bore the name Acan ("ACAN; el Dios del vino que es Baco," Diccionario del Convento de Motul, MS.).

The god of this drink also bore the name Acan ("ACAN; el Dios del vino que es Baco," Diccionario del Convento de Motul, MS.).

See 11639-h.htm or 11639-h.zip: (http://www.ibiblio.org/gutenberg/1/1/6/3/11639/11639-h/11639-h.htm) or (http://www.ibiblio.org/gutenberg/1/1/6/3/11639/11639-h.zip) FIGURES OF EARTH A Comedy of Appearances JAMES BRANCH CABELL Illustrated by Frank C. Papé 1921 "Cascun se mir el jove Manuel, Qu'era del mom lo plus valens dels pros.

THE END OF THE SECOND NOVEL III THE STORY OF THE RAT-TRAP "Leixant a part le stil dels trobados, Dos grans dezigs ban combatut ma pensa, Mas lo voler vers un seguir dispensa: Yo l'vos publich, amar dretament vos.

SEE New York (City) Metropolitan Museum of Art. MI MARIDO SE ABURRE, juguete comico en 3 actos y en prosa de Antonio Paso, Miguel Mihura Alvarez, y Ricardo González del Toro.

The following stanza may serve as an example L'aur' amara fa·ls bruels brancutz clarzir que·l dons espeys' ab fuelhs, e·ls letz becxs dels auzels ramencx te balbs e mutz pars e non pars.

Perque tuit li fin aman Sapchan qu'amors es fina bevolenza Que nais del cor e dels huelh, ses duptar.

2499 examples of  dels  in sentences