96 examples of divina in sentences

It is the Lord's prayer, divina institutions formata, when Christ told His Apostles "Sic vos orabitis" (St. Matt. vi. 9).

Physical science is doing its legitimate work in pushing further and further back the unanalyzable residuum of Nature, but, however far back, an ultimate unanalyzable residuum there must always be; and when physical science brings us to this point it hands us over to the guidance of psychological investigation just as in the Divina Commedia Virgil transfers Dante to the guidance of Beatrice for the study of the higher realms.

Take Cicero's book de Officiís, or the Divina Commedia of Dante, and you will find that to them the earth is the center of creation, that the infinite stars circle around it, and that man is the king of animals: a geocentric and anthropocentric illusion inspired by immeasurable conceit.

Divina Commedia (d[=e]-v[=e]'nä kom-m[=a]'d[=e]-ä) Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Domestic drama Donne, John his poetry Dotheboys Hall (do-the-boys) Drama, in Elizabethan Age origin, periods of, miracle and mystery plays, interludes, classical influence on, unities, the English, types of, decline of.

Rispose Orlando: Io tiro teco a un seguo, Che l'armi son del'uomo il primo onore; Ma non già che 'l saper faccia un men degno, Anzi l'adorna com' un prato il fiore; Ed è simile a un bove, a un sasso, a un legno, Che non pensa a l'eterno Creatore; ben si puo pensar, senza dottrina, La somma maestade, alta e divina.

[G.], Verstand [G.]. soul, spirit, ghost, inner man, heart, breast, bosom, penetralia mentis [Lat.], divina particula aurae

But "The New Life" has an interest of another sort, and a claim, not yet sufficiently acknowledged, upon all who would read the "Divina Commedia" with fit appreciation, in that it contains the first hint of the great poem itself, and furnishes for it a special, interior, imaginative introduction, without the knowledge of which it is not thoroughly to be understood.

The character of Beatrice, as she appears in the "Divina Commedia," the relation in which the poet stands to her, the motive of the dedication of the poem to her honor and memory, and many minor allusions, are all explained or illustrated by the aid of the "Vita Nuova."

The earthly Beatrice is exalted to the heavenly in the later poem; but the same perfect purity and intensity of feeling with which she is reverently regarded in the "Divina Commedia" is visible in scarcely less degree in the earlier work.

The "Vita Nuova" is chiefly occupied with a series of visions; the "Divina Commedia" is one long vision.

In the "Vita Nuova" it is a sympathy mastering the natural spirit; in the "Divina Commedia" the sympathy is controlled by the force of established character.

Damnavit olim divina Lex et morte mulctavit hujusmodi homines, Lev.

Omnis enim res, virtus, fama, decus, divina, humanaque pulchris Divitiis parent.

divina majestas homines ad se trahens.

Ut mundus duobus polis sustentatur: ita lex Dei, amore Dei et proximi; duobus his fundamentis vincitur; machina mundi corruit, si una de polis turbatur; lex perit divina si una ex his. 4587.

sonándome aún las últimas palabras de aquella temerosa relación, teniendo junto á mi á aquel hombre que tan de buena fe imploraba la protección divina para llevar á cabo crímenes espantosos, viendo á mis pies el abismo negro

The compensation to the reader lies not so much in episodical myths, descriptions, and the story at the end, apologetically inserted on Lucretius' theory of sweetened medicine, as rather in the poet's contagious enthusiasm for his science, the thrill of discovery and the sense of wonder (1. 251): Divina est animi ac jucunda voluptas!

Juvenal, who wrote within a hundred years of Cicero's time, calls them "divina Philippica."

Oriantur a Sensione, 1704; Philosophia Synthetica, 1707; Physica Divina, 1716; Philosophia Pragmatica, 1723.]

In imperials the wife of an emperor is spoken of as Augusta: Serenissima Augusta conjux nostra; Divina Augusta, etc.

She was the fountain of his poetic inspiration, and in his Divina Commedia he makes her his guide through paradise.

La divina ciencia rudimental.

[Footnote 157: Cowper's verse in The Task seems to be all that is happy in the way of translation of Varro's text, "divina natura dedit agros, ars humana aedificavit urbes": but Cowley's "God the first garden made, and the first city Cain" was probably Cowper's source.

The text reads ....divina nostro

And are not the figures in the Divina Commedia of Dante or in the pictures of Raphael as plastic as those in Virgil?

96 examples of  divina  in sentences