39 examples of dulcis in sentences

Sonet vox tua in auribus meis; vox enim tua dulcis est (Canticle of Canticles, ii. 14).

And here a third, to a child who had died as one of the Innocents: MIRAE INNOCENTIAE ANIMA DULCIS


And that wise caution of Democritus, Servus necessaria possessio, non autem dulcis: Nowhere fidelity and labour dwells.

Contrast this infernal silence of voice and fury of eye with the "risus amabilis," the festivity, the social kindness, the music, the wine, the "dulcis insania," of a Roman "coena."

I do not envy at their wealth, titles, offices; "Stet quicunque volet potens Aulae culmine lubrico, Me dulcis saturet quies.

Diamoschi dulcis et amari ana

[5079]in his fragment of pure impurities, I mean his Satyricon, tam dulcis sonus permulcebat aera, ut putares inter auras cantare Syrenum concordiam; she sang so sweetly that she charmed the air, and thou wouldst have thought thou hadst heard a concert of Sirens.

" But all this needed not, you will say; if she affect once, she will be his, settle her love on him, on him alone, "illum absens absentem Auditque videtque" she can, she must think and dream of nought else but him, continually of him, as did Orpheus on his Eurydice, "Te dulcis conjux, te solo in littore mecum, Te veniente die,

" Faustus, in Mantuan, took no pleasure in anything he did, "Nulla quies mihi dulcis erat, nullus labor aegro Pectore, sensus iners, et mens torpore sepulta, Carminis occiderat studium.

Accrescit dulcis affinium turba, duplicatur numerus parentum, fratrum, sororum, nepotum.10.

Thralia dulcis? Seu viri curas pia nupta mulcet, Seu fovet mater sobolem benigna, Sive cum libris novitate pascit Sedula mentem.

Puppe gubernatrix sedisti, audacia, prima Divitiis acuens aspera corda virum; Sola rates struis infidas, et dulcis amorem Lucri ulciscendum mox nece sola doces.

At nemo feras iras hominum Domibus claris exitiales, Voce aut fidibus pellere docuit; Queis tamen aptam ferre medelam Utile cunctis hoc opus esset; Namque, ubi mensas onerant epulae, Quorsum dulcis luxuria soni?

He seems to have acquired both among his friends and among strangers the epithet of "dulcis," "the charming or fascinating Gallio:" "This is more," says the poet Statius, "than to have given Seneca to the world, and to have begotten the sweet Gallio."

B. BUXIFOLIA (syn B. dulcis and B. microphylla).Straits of Magellan, 1827.

[Footnote 1: Dulcis inexperta cultura potentis amici, Expertus metuit Hor.]

"Jesu dulcis memoria, Dans vera cordi gaudia: Sed super mel et omnia Ejus dulcis praesentia.

"Jesu dulcis memoria, Dans vera cordi gaudia: Sed super mel et omnia Ejus dulcis praesentia.

Quite as if they were sung in his ear, and in her very tones, he heard the words of Saint Bernard, which we have introduced to our reader: Jesu dulcis memoria, Dans vera cordi gaudia: Sed super mel et omnia Ejus dulcis praesentia.

Quite as if they were sung in his ear, and in her very tones, he heard the words of Saint Bernard, which we have introduced to our reader: Jesu dulcis memoria, Dans vera cordi gaudia: Sed super mel et omnia Ejus dulcis praesentia.

Hic autem amoena regna, et dulcis quies; Ubi serenus ridet æternum dies.

Quorsum hæc dulcis Expectatio; Vitæque non explenda melioris sitis?

"In sooth, the inland ponds of our farmer folk may well be called dulcis, and those other amara.[220] "A single fish pond suffices us simple folk, but those amateurs must have a series of them linked together: for as Pausias and other painters of his school have boxes with as many compartments as they have different coloured wax, so must they fain have as many ponds as they have different varieties of fish.

[Footnote 220: It is impossible to translate this pun into English, dulcis being the equivalent of both "fresh" and "agreeable," and amara of "salt" and "disagreeable."

39 examples of  dulcis  in sentences