21 Verbs to Use for the Word cordons

In the darkness it was impossible for the strikers to tell how many armed men confronted them, so they fell back a little, but formed a cordon around the entire building.

The South would not be able to establish a cordon along her wide frontier sufficiently strong to prevent it.

But there was never a man, of all the men who loved Mercy, who did not feel himself, spite of all her frank and loving intimacy, withheld, debarred, separated from her at a certain point, as if there stood drawn up there a cordon of viewless spirits.

Orders have been issued that without permission of the Military Governor and the Moslem in charge of the Mosque no non-Moslem is to pass this cordon.

The hunting only begins when you leave the cordon behind you and push into the thickets.

"Of course as soon as Jarvie saw what had happened he knew it was a case for me to handle, and so he ran across to Headquarters; and in a jiffy we had thrown a cordon of police around the building to keep out the curious citizens who would have no business inside, and spoil any trace of the rascals.

Around the hangar they found a cordon of several armed men; a fact which caused Tom to remember that they shortly before had heard the report of firearms, and as yet had failed to learn the cause.

In order to protect the masonry of the scarp, engineers first lowered the cordon to the level of the covert-way.

However, that was a minor detail, as it made little difference where I succeeded in penetrating the cordon of pickets, so long as I returned with the information sought.

" At a previous date, and while hostilities were still in course, Marshal Foch had conferred upon General Pershing the grand cordon of the Legion of Honor.

You did quite right to place a cordon all round the palace.

"Here, take this bottle of brandy,'Sahib brandy,' you perceive,genuine old 'London Dock,'and pour a cordon of ardent spirits on the table, to 'weave a circle round him thrice.'

Dealing with most of these questions by a rule or a generalisation is like putting a cordon round a jungle full of the most diversified sort of game.

In a semi-circle extending around Santiago, from Daliquiri on the east clear around to Cobre on the west, our troops were stretched a cordon of almost impenetrable thickness and strength.

A squad of soldiers was placed under Mr. Whithoff's orders and, following his directions, they blew up a cordon of buildings and effectually isolated the flames.

But enthusiasm and hilarity reached fever-heat when, on turning his face from them, the audience discovered that their droll was wearing (in a somewhat grotesque fashion) the grand cordon of the Legion of Honour on his back!

So when this band of antelope decided to adjourn their siesta from the warm, sunny slope of a sand dune, they made an effort and did break the cordon, but not without a protest.

And if we come nearer home, we shall find a project matured which will carry a fiery cordon around the entire coast of our country, linking fortress to fortress, and providing that last, desperate resource of unity, an outer girdle and jointed chain of force, to bind together and save a nation whose inner bonds of peace and love are broken.

To General Hooker's threat to crush him, he had responded by crushing General Hooker; nearly surrounded by the huge cordon of the Federal army, he had cut the cordon and emerged in safety.

And there were German raiders loose; one or two had, so far, eluded the cordon the British fleet had flung about the world.

" On appelle ainsi le moment quelquefois embarrassant il faut délier les cordons de la bourse, et, par extension, tout moment fâcheux et désagréable.

21 Verbs to Use for the Word  cordons