1111 examples of humiliations in sentences

The conquerors, having disarmed the conquered, have imposed their economic conditions, their absurd moralities and territorial humiliations, as those imposed on Bulgaria, Turkey and Hungary, conditions which are sufficiently difficult to be maintained.

Having had much forgiven, she loved much, and shrunk not from the many and deep humiliations which were involved in such a course of dedication to her Lord.

They jarred upon his ear, and stung his heart; for his conscience converted them into so many latent insults and humiliations to himself.

What recorded experiences are more interesting and instructive?a life of heroism, of adventures, of triumphs, of humiliations, of outward and inward conflicts.

With the insolence of power and the bitter anger of outraged confidence, Henry heaped humiliations on his enemy.

So great had been Marie Antoinette's mental sufferings that in those few days her hair had turned white; and fresh and studied humiliations were yet in store for her.

And this aim he pursued from first to last, like a giant of destiny, without any regard to losses, or humiliations, or defeats, or obstacles.

In 1740, this rigid, exacting, unsympathetic king died; and his son Frederic, who had been subjected to the severest discipline, restraints, annoyances, and humiliations, ascended the throne, and became the third King of Prussia, at the age of twenty-eight.

But we cannot separate crime from its consequences; and all the reverses, the sorrows, the perils, the hardships, the humiliations, the immense losses, the dreadful calamities through which Prussia had to pass, which wrung even the heart of Frederic with anguish, were only a merited retribution.

The strictest account was to be given of all graces which had been neglected, wasted, or wholly rejected, and the Church militant was punished for this negligence of infidelity of her servants by being oppressed by her enemies, or by temporal humiliations.

Meantime, the new expenses of his married life, entered upon without any extrication from old debts, caused such embarrassment, that, after many other humiliations had been undergone, he offered his books for sale.

Difficulties have arisen, at this remote post, between the citizens and the military, the latter of whom have shown a disposition to feel power and forget right, by excluding, except with onerous humiliations, some citizens from free access to the post-office.

Only the Manchus were accredited with the ability to bring order out of the universal confusion, so that there was clearly no alternative but to put up with the many insults and humiliations they inflictedwith the result that the national feeling that had just been aroused died away, except where it was kept alive in a few secret societies.

After all the humiliations of the day, that would be the crowning cup of sorrow.

He suffered slights and humiliations; but these only strengthened his resolve.

In this respect he reminds one of Zola, whom slights and humiliations only strengthened also; and in this connection it may be mentioned that there hangs in Hall Caine's drawing-room, in Peel, a pen-and-ink portrait which one mistakes for that of Emile Zola, till one is told that it is the picture of Hall Caine.

He shrank from the restraints and humiliations to which the poor and shabbily dressed private tutor is exposedrevealed to us with a persuasive terseness in the pages of The Unclassed, New Grub Street, Ryecroft, and the story of Topham's Chance.

It was a little triumph not to be appreciated by readers who do not know the humiliations experienced by correspondents in time of war.

"In spite of the enormous bribes offered and received, in spite of promises, in spite of his Majesty's address, which should have mollified all parties and inspired confidence, the temper of the Assembly, which had appeared favorable to his Majesty, suddenly changed and an outrageous scene took place; humiliations and insults and threats were heaped upon his Majesty, who retired as speedily as possible.

Ulysses admired himself as though he were an entirely new personality, happy and triumphant, completely separated from that other creature by dolorous periods of humiliations and failures that he did not wish to recall.

Each of its humiliations pledged some power or group of powers more deeply to support it: and before Mahmud died, he had reason to believe that, so long as the European Concert should ensue the Balance of Power, his dynasty would not be expelled from Constantinople.

None but those who did that work in the early days, for the slaves and the women, can ever know the hardships and humiliations that were endured.

Old and young France now carried on an hourly, continuous warfare at the court of Louis XVIII., with this difference, however, that young France, hitherto ever victorious, now experienced a continuous series of reverses and humiliations.

The King went through the same old extortions and humiliations.

As for myself, after visiting a friend lately,[Do remember all the time that this is the Professor's paper,]I satisfied myself that I had better concede the fact thatmy contemporaries are not so young as they have been,and that,awkward as it is,science and history agree in telling me that I can claim the immunities and must own the humiliations of the early stage of senility.

1111 examples of  humiliations  in sentences