29 examples of inform about in sentences

When, however, he had crossed to Brundusium and had been informed about the will and the people's second thought, he made no delay, particularly because he had considerable money and numerous soldiers who had been sent on under his charge, but he immediately assumed the name of Caesar, succeeded to his estate, and began to busy himself with the situation.

The average Englishman therefore except in parochial matters is perhaps the least informed though he claims to be well-informed about every variety of interest.

I felt certain that it would not be McMurtrie's fault if he failed to keep himself informed about my movements while I was in London.

'The writer was well informed about you, at least,' observed Logotheti.

I am come in my old days; so I cannot expect to obtain any advantage to myself; but I come for the good of the Creeks, that they may be informed about the English, and be instructed in your language and religion.

It might be those in charge had taken the alarm and feared lest a government force must be on the way to capture them, after being informed about the camp by the spies they had sent up the river.

The Servian Government was accurately informed about the suspicion resting upon quite definite personalities and not only in the position, but also obliged by its own laws to institute investigations spontaneously.

With regard to a John-dory, which you desire to be particularly informed about, I honour the fish, but it is rather on account of Quin who patronised it, and whose taste (of a dead man) I had as lieve go by as anybody's (Apicius and Heliogabalus exceptedthis latter started nightingales' tongues and peacocks' brains as a garnish).

"I find that the men best informed about the South do not anticipate much severe fighting.

It would, indeed, have been hard for him not to keep informed about public affairs; for men were all the time coming to him to ask for help and advice regarding this measure or that.

Tell him by no means to lend them his ears; and if you want to be informed about them, go to Messer Angelo, the herald of the Signory; for I have written the whole story to him, and he will, out of his kindly feeling, tell you just what happened.

"I don't know what Mr. Randolph could have wanted, but I surely have a right to be informed about it.

As Families go, it was fairly well informed about her.

While we are fairly well informed about the other popular risings of this period, the Mohammedan revolts have not yet been well studied.

Though some uncertainty remains as to the exact dates of the commencement and completion of the vault, we now know that Michael Angelo continued painting it at intervals during four successive years; and though we are not accurately informed about his helpers, we no longer can doubt that able craftsmen yielded him assistance.

He would have preferred not to go to school, finding the free outer life of superior interest; but he couldn't learn the good loose trade without improving his knowledge of the printed wordthough he had not been warned that printers must be informed about fractions, or even long divisionbut Winona being his teacher it was impracticable to be absent on private affairs even for a day without annoying consequences.

Marcus Aurelius was, without any doubt, a virtuous ruler, and one who had it in his heart to be just and humane; but he was an absolute ruler, that is to say, one fed entirely on his owns ideas, very ill-informed about the facts on which he had to decide, and without a free public to warn him of the errors of his ideas or the practical results of his decrees.

The Prince of Conde himself, though informed about the discovery of the plot, repaired to Amboise without showing any signs of being disconcerted at the cold reception offered him by the Lorraine princes.

Go to see them, treat them sanely, write to them, keep them informed about the home circle; let not your devotion flag, nor accept any repulse.

Let us say, as loudly as we choose, if we see good reason, that they are half informed about some of the things which they so authoritatively discuss; that they are under strong class feeling; that they have not mastered the doctrines which they are opposing; that they have not sufficiently meditated their subject; that they have not given themselves time to do justice even to their scanty knowledge.

V. G." I was not "really" anxious enough to be informed about Lady Granbywho drops so readily from the third person to the firstto act on her advice, which I give to my readers, in order that any one who does wish to know about her will be able to obtain the information!

I had a long talk with the surgeon who seemed well informed about the country, and asked him about the prospects.

Your Majesty has already been informed about the Frenchman who was found wandering through the streets of Berlin without any proper passport or identification, the man who had the temerity to say he had come to teach Princess Wilhelmine his language.

We have, unfortunately, no letters written from England; after his return he writes to Roon: "I have just come back from London; people there are much better informed about China and Turkey than about Prussia.

They get some curious ideas in their heads concerning us, but they are so amazingly well informed about America that their specific misinformation never irritated me.

29 examples of  inform about  in sentences