1062 examples of nominatives in sentences

Of Nominatives Observations on Rule II False Syntax under Rule II Rule III.

Of Nominatives Absolute Observations on Rule VIII False Syntax under Rule VIII Chapter IV.

Finite verbs, in such a case, would still relate to their subjects, or nominatives, agreeably to the sense; but they would certainly be rendered incapable of adding to this relation any agreement or disagreement.

And by the fashionable substitution of you for thou, the concord of English verbs with their nominatives, is made to depend, in common practice, on little more than one single terminational s, which is used to mark one person of one number of one tense of one mood of each verb.

6.Cobbett, after his own hasty and dogmatical manner, rejects the whole theory of nominatives absolute, and teaches his "soldiers, sailors, apprentices, and ploughboys," that, "The supposition, that there can be a noun, or pronoun, which has reference to no verb, and no preposition, is certainly a mistake.

But, let his admirers reflect on the matter as long as they please, the two independent nominatives it and state, in the text, "It being, or the state of things being such," will forever stand a glaring confutation both of his doctrine and of his censure: "the case absolute" is there still!

"This close prevents their bearing forward as nominatives.

In the former, too, or may twice be changed to nor, where the following nouns are nominatives; but to change it throughout, would not be well, because the other nouns are objectives governed by of: "Seasons return, but not to me returns Day, nor the sweet approach of ev'n or morn, Nor sight of vernal bloom, or summer's rose, Or flocks, or herds, or human face divine.

"Formerly, what we call the objective cases of our pronouns, were employed in the same manner as our present nominatives are.

mood, why so called; in what manner applied its one tense, and the import of do its inflection shown in the verb LOVE, conjugated what nominatives only it takes use of, in the Gr. lang.

numb. why never doubled why never ends a word in Eng. impropriety of dividing on the letter, in syllabication sounds of, Johnson, Dr. S., his authority in Eng. orthography Joint nominatives, agreem.

verbs, and their participles, take the same case after as before them Neuter verb between two nominatives, its agreem.

verb, what should always take for its subj. or nom.: takes the same case after as before it, when both words refer to the same thing: between two nominatives, with which should be made to agree, ("Words ARE wind,").

with, connected nominatives of different, agreem.

with connected antecedents of different persons agreeing with implied nominatives agreem.

of, with a nom. noun collective do., with joint nominatives do., with two connected nominatives in appos.

of, with a nom. noun collective do., with joint nominatives do., with two connected nominatives in appos.

do., with two conn. nominatives emphatically distinguished do., with two conn. nominatives preceded by each, every, or no do., with nearest of connected nominatives, and understood to the rest; whether the usage is proper in Eng.

do., with two conn. nominatives emphatically distinguished do., with two conn. nominatives preceded by each, every, or no do., with nearest of connected nominatives, and understood to the rest; whether the usage is proper in Eng.

do., with two conn. nominatives emphatically distinguished do., with two conn. nominatives preceded by each, every, or no do., with nearest of connected nominatives, and understood to the rest; whether the usage is proper in Eng.

do., with connected nominatives of different persons do., with connected subjects, one taken affirmat.

of joint nominatives do., with distinct subject phrases connected by and do., with disjunct.

nominatives do., with disagreeing nominatives connected disjunctively do., when connected nominatives require different forms of the verb do., with distinct phrases disjunct, connected Verbs, connected by and, or, or nor, how must agree discordant, how managed with respect to agreem.

nominatives do., with disagreeing nominatives connected disjunctively do., when connected nominatives require different forms of the verb do., with distinct phrases disjunct, connected Verbs, connected by and, or, or nor, how must agree discordant, how managed with respect to agreem.

nominatives do., with disagreeing nominatives connected disjunctively do., when connected nominatives require different forms of the verb do., with distinct phrases disjunct, connected Verbs, connected by and, or, or nor, how must agree discordant, how managed with respect to agreem.

1062 examples of  nominatives  in sentences