10222 examples of o' in sentences

You Christians are chasing a will o' the wisp, a jack o' lantern.

Where have you been, in the name o' the nation?" "Pymeut an' Holy Cross." "Holy Cross?

Meanwhile Joe Parkinson, a young man much enamored, who fought the world by ordinary, like Hal o' the Wynd "for his own hand," was seeing Patricia every day.

So, old Nannie blessed them, and theirs,past, present, and future, thoroughly and completely, with a fine comprehensiveness that only a genuinely accomplished old witch might hope to attain to, and, following them to the door, paused there with one shrivelled, claw-like hand up-lifted towards the sky: "At the full o' the moon, tall sir!"

He didn't mind the black for out o' doors, in case the Army was looking for 'im, but 'aving no clothes he couldn't get out o' doors; and when he said he wouldn't perform unless he got some, Mr. Alfredi dropped 'ints about having 'im took up for a deserter.

"It 'ud make an owl laugh," continued young Varley, "to see such a queer pictur' o' itself.

An' 'sides dat, you fool Isham, ef she not Miss Annie, wot she come down h'yar fur?" "Neber thinked o' dat!" said Uncle Isham, reflectively.

she's a year older 'n what Sonny is, an' she's thess gittin' a little experience out o' himthough she ain't no ways conscious of it,an' he 'll gain a good deal o' courage th'oo keepin' company with a ladylike girl like Mary Elizabeth.

o' taking too much.

So I only asked him what he did that for, and whether he had not more conscience than to spoil people's crops o' that fashion?

'E bathed a couple o' times a day in the lagoon or in fresh water, but 'e believed in rubbin' oil on his skin, and when a bloke is all greasy and nyked, 'e looks dirty.

"First I must tell you that Dan had been makin' little progress in the wooin' o' Lizzie.

Wad they but put half the cleverness into honest toil that they do into writin' me a letter or speerin' a tale o' was to wring my heart, they could earn a' the siller they micht need for themselves.

"At leastI'm fond o' all the lassies, but I only love yin.

Breath, breath I cry still; Body o' me give breath, the man's a lost man else.

But dey took an' give him 100 lashes wid de cat o' ninety-nine tails.

"I's workin' now for one o' my old folks.

I thinks to myself, "and I wish I was safely Cuddled in bed to home,or 't was midnight, and some little spirit Somewhere popped out, as o' nights when it's twelve they're accustomed, Passin' the time with me, friendly, till winds that blow early o' mornin's Blow out the heavenly lights, and I see the way back to the village.

Not one of us 'ud ever dream o' such a thing, would we, Henny?" "Indeed we would not," returned Henny or Henrietta as she was indifferently called in the family.

"And to think o' poor young Pascoe shut up in that stable while he's courting Celia!" Mr. Quince took up his knife and fork again, but his appetite had gone.

"I've never tried one o' these old-fashioned watches afore," he ses.

There was the light o' love who went into the desert to tempt the holy man; but he died as he yielded; his arms stiffened by some miracle, and she was unable to free herself; she died of starvation, as her bondage loosened in decay.

o' hands for whalin'.

What on earth are you doing here this time o' night?" Another chuckle.

Sure to be a take-in o' some sort.

10222 examples of  o'  in sentences