4115 examples of pa in sentences

"Let me go with him, pa," begged little Clarence, who heard his father giving Eph his instructions.

" "But, pa, I can ride my pony; and, besides, you might let me go, for I shan't have many more chances to ride himdo let me go.

" "Oh, pa," laughingly interrupted little Clarence; "I've been telling him of what you read to me about Nimrod being a great hunter.

"But Em," said he, "we are going to sleep in such funny little places; even pa and mamma have got to sleep on little shelves stuck up against the wall; and they've got a thing that swings from the ceiling that they keep the tumblers and wine-glasses inevery glass has got a little hole for itself.

Her pa was a white man; her ma a light woman.

My grandpa was a white man; mama's pa.

I reckon my husband and pa did vote.

Pa stole her out and one night a small panther smelled them and come on a log up over where they slept in a canebrake.

Pa killed it with a bowie knife.

Pa had stole her out.

"Ma and pa et dinner, well as could be.

They had a doctor named Dr. Coleman come to see ma and pa.

We buried ma and pa on the neighbor's place.

Sister brought my horse pa left for me.

They called pa Major Terry but he belong to Bill Talbot.

Pa come from Edgefield, South Carolina to Alabama.

Pa was William Anderson.

Ma was a cook and pa a field hand.

"My pa looked on me when I was three days old and left us.

"I was eighteen years old when pa and ma took the notion to come out here.

All of us come but one sister had married, and pa and one brother had a little difference.

Pa had children ma didn't have.

Pa got a pension till he died.

" "Well, miss, please remember me most kindly to yer pa; he was a good boss was Dick Melvyn.


4115 examples of  pa  in sentences