28 examples of paiutes in sentences

For he was born a Shoshone, was Winnenap'; and though his name, his wife, his children, and his tribal relations were of the Paiutes, his thoughts turned homesickly toward Shoshone Land.

Winnenap' lived gingerly among the Paiutes and in his heart despised them.

He had come into the keeping of the Paiutes as a hostage for the long peace which the authority of the whites made interminable, and, though there was now no order in the tribe, nor any power that could have lawfully restrained him, kept on in the old usage, to save his honor and the word of his vanished kin.

He had seen his children's children in the borders of the Paiutes, but loved best his own miles of sand and rainbow-painted hills.

According to their traditions and all proper evidence, they were a great people occupying far north and east of their present bounds, driven thence by the Paiutes.

Winnenap', whose memory ran to the time when the boundary of the Paiute country was a dead-line to Shoshones, told me once how himself and another lad, in an unforgotten spring, discovered a nesting place of buzzards a bit of a way beyond the borders.

He died, as do most medicine-men of the Paiutes.

After two weeks of this plague the Paiutes drew to council to consider the remissness of their medicine-men.

At Tunawai the conservatives sent into Nevada for that pacific old humbug, Johnson Sides, most notable of Paiute orators, to harangue his people.

But before that the Paiutes, mesne lords of the soil, made a campoodie by the rill of Pine Creek; and after, contesting the soil with them, cattle-men, who found its foodful pastures greatly to their advantage; and bands of blethering flocks shepherded by wild, hairy men of little speech, who attested their rights to the feeding ground with their long staves upon each other's skulls.

But the berries of both were food for the Paiutes, eagerly sought and traded for as far south as Shoshone Land.

Here on the mesa the abandoned campoodies of the Paiutes are spots of desolation long after the wattles of the huts have warped in the brush heaps.

There is the smell of sage at sundown, burning sage from campoodies and sheep camps, that travels on the thin blue wraiths of smoke; the kind of smell that gets into the hair and garments, is not much liked except upon long acquaintance, and every Paiute and shepherd smells of it indubitably.

The Paiutes had made their last stand at the border of the Bitter Lake; battle-driven they died in its waters, and the land filled with cattle-men and adventurers for gold: this while Seyavi and the boy lay up in the caverns of the Black Rock and ate tule roots and fresh-water clams that they dug out of the slough bottoms with their toes.

Paiutes have the art of reducing life to its lowest ebb and yet saving it alive on grasshoppers, lizards, and strange herbs; and that time must have left no shift untried.

The Paiute fashion of counting time appeals to me more than any other calendar.

These first, you understand, are the Paiute's walls, the other his furnishings.

So it was when the government reached out for the Paiutes, they gathered into the Northern Reservation only such poor tribes as could devise no other end of their affairs.

This is a thing so long expected by the Paiutes that when it comes they find it neither bitter nor sweet, but tolerable because common.

Something to wrap around him is as necessary to the Paiute as to you your closet to pray in.

Here you have the Spanish Californian in Cero Gordo and piñon; Symmes and Shepherd, pioneers both; Tunawai, probably Shoshone; Oak Creek, Kearsarge,easy to fix the date of that christening,Tinpah, Paiute that; Mist Cañon and Paddy Jack's.

That is the sort of tree to know at sight, for the globose, resin-dripping cones have palatable, nourishing kernels, the main harvest of the Paiutes.

One might suppose that in a time of famine the Paiutes digged wild parsnip in meadow corners and died from eating it, and so learned to produce death swiftly and at will.

Paiute sorcery.

Paiute sorcery.

28 examples of  paiutes  in sentences