15 examples of panaches in sentences

Gerbéviller, with Nomény, Badonviller, and Sermaize, stand in France for what is most famous in German infamy; Soeur Julie, the "chère soeur" of so many narratives, for that form of courage and whole-hearted devotion which is specially dear to the French, because it has in it a touch of panache, of audacity!

plumage, plumosity^; plume, panache, crest; feather, tuft, fringe, toupee.

[Fr.]. wreath, festoon, garland, chaplet, flower, nosegay, bouquet, posy, daisies pied and violets blue, tassel, [Love's Labor's Lost], knot; shoulder knot, apaulette^, epaulet, aigulet^, frog; star, rosette, bow; feather, plume, pompom^, panache, aigrette.

penacho, m., panache, crest, plume(s).

I saluted, and the statesman took me in from the top of my panache to the rowel of my spur, with a glance that played over me like a rapier point. 'Have you explained to the lieutenant the circumstances under which he is summoned to the Emperor's presence?'

I had taken the panache from my shako so that it might escape notice, but even with my fine overcoat I feared that sooner or later my uniform would betray me.

When I had them formed up in fours, all in silver grey and upon chestnut horses, with their leopard skin shabracks and their little red panaches, my heart beat high at the sight.

The lord of Rovastre regained his band and tilted with the second lance, with which he did his duty thoroughly ... but the Good Knight struck him on the visor, and carried off his plume of feathers (panache) and made him tremble, although he kept his seat on horseback.

Then, when for the third time, with my panache flying and my dolman streaming behind me, I thundered past him, I saw upon his hard old face that he had no longer any doubt that he had chosen the man for his purpose.

I was wearing our undress jacket, a uniform simple and dark in itselfthough some figures give distinction to any uniformand I had taken the precaution to remove the long panache from my busby.

Dormez sur l'herbe verte; et, cette nuit, Roland, je vous éventerai de mon panache blanc.

Que d'abord les soudards dont l'estoc bat les hanches Prirent pour une fille habillée en garçon, Doux, frêle, confiant, serein, sans écusson Et sans panache, ayant, sous ses habits de serge, L'air grave d'un gendarme et l'air froid d'une vierge.

Vous regardiez ainsi que néants et fumées Tout ce qui n'était pas commandement d'armées, Et vous ne consentiez qu'au nom de général; Cid était le baron suprême et magistral; Vous dominiez tout, grand, sans chef, sans joug, sans digue, Absolu, lance au poing, panache au front.

Without an effort he endears to us the defects of his hero's Quixotic qualities, and makes his very deformity contribute to the triumph of his heroic panache.

Close behind him rode a knight in black armour, with a sable panache on his helm.

15 examples of  panaches  in sentences