35 examples of recoups in sentences

Recover, regain, retrieve, recoup, rally, recuperate.

Robert owed a great deal of money to Beddingfield, which the latter hoped to recoup at usurious interest, with threats of scandal and what not.

It may do so for a time, rather than close down altogether, hoping to recoup itself later when the market has taken a more favorable turn.

resuscitate, revive, reanimate, revivify, recall to life; reproduce &c 163; warm up; reinvigorate, refresh &c 689. make whole, redintegrate^; recoup &c 790; make good, make all square; rectify, correct; put right, put to rights, set right, set to rights, set straight; set up; put in order &c (arrange) 60; refit, recruit; fill up, fill up the ranks; reinforce.

V. return, restore; give back, carry back, bring back; render, render up; give up; let go, unclutch; disgorge, regorge^; regurgitate; recoup, reimburse, compensate, indemnify; remit, rehabilitate; repair &c (make good)

Afterwards a small assessment is levied on the villagers, of a 'pice' or two 'pice' each, about a halfpenny of our money, and which recoups the putwarree for his outlay.

Siraj-ud-daula was so little disturbed by the recapture of Calcutta that the French thought everything would terminate amicably, but, possibly owing to the reputation of Watson and Clive, who had so long fought against the French, they thought it likely that, if the English demanded compensation for their losses, the Nawab would allow them to recoup themselves by seizing the French Settlements.

Amarendra Babu had resolved to marry his son in a style which, sooth to say, was far above his means, hoping to recoup himself from the large cash payment which he expected from Kumodini Babu.

He told me that men who had lost all the money and jewelry they possessed, frequently, in an effort to recoup their losses, would gamble away all their outer clothing and even their shoes; and that the proprietor kept on hand a supply of linen dusters for all who were so unfortunate.

Beaten in the East or South, she turns to another sphere of enterprise, and endeavours to recoup herself there for her losses on another frontier.

They were to account for all goods and valuables captured in the rovers' possession: one-tenth was to be reserved for the Crown, the rest being assigned to them to recoup their expenditure.

war-tax on the people of Bombay, would go some way to recoup the Company for their losses and the cost of the expeditions.

He had determined to turn author, and to recoup his losses as much as possible by the sale of his manuscript.

This year the crop broke all records for abundance, but the price is down and the railroads, trying to recoup for two bad years, have stiffened the freight rates.

We learn that he hopes to recoup himself on the Derby, by backing Shylock for nearly nine thousand pounds; one bet was twelve hundred guineas.

And so arguing, the Roumanian government claimed as a quid pro quo the adjoining northeastern corner of Bulgaria, permitting Bulgaria to recoup herself by the uncontested annexation of Thrace and Eastern Macedonia.

The mailed clutch on her throat (to speak as she felt) had grown less ferocious, but everywhere the Unionist civilianthe once brow-beaten and still loathed "Northern sympathizer," with grudges to pay and losses to recoup and re-recoupwas in petty authority.

Warm food, water that would not tear her raw throat, a place to lie and recoup her strength after the chilling winter nightthese were the only things that counted now.

Two good seasons will be needed before the landowner begins to recoup.

The foreman, a distinguished person in braided broadcloth, rose and announced that he was very much interested to learn their views upon this subject as he was the president of a casualty company, and he wished them to understand that thousandsif not hundreds of thousandsof dollars' worth of plate-glass windows were wantonly broken by young toughs, every year, for which his and other insurance companies had to recoup the owners.

For no sane man is willing to spend on an agricultural operation time and money which he knows he cannot recoup, nor even if he sees a likely profit, if it must be at the risk of losing all by an evil climate.

Glancing over the pages of My Confidences, the careless library subscriber encountered the usual number of names of well-known personages, whose appearance is supposed by publishers to add sufficient zest to reminiscences to secure for them a sale large enough, at any rate, to recoup the cost of publication.

"Jim, it was tough to sit there and listen to the schemes to recoup that this old gentleman and this girl, for she is only twenty-one, have tried to hatch up.

"Mr. Brownley," she said, "let us figure up just where we stand, so that we may know what to do to recoup.

Four prosperous years have since added to their numbers, and the rent they pay more than recoups the Treasury for the interest on its outlay in the purchase and settlement.

35 examples of  recoups  in sentences