25 examples of unfriendliness in sentences

All about it, the sky had become black, with a clear, deep blackness, frightful in its nearness, and its unmeasured deep, and its utter unfriendliness.

"Our men returned a few cuffs for this warlike behaviour, whereupon the Englishricher in experiencedrew back astonished at German unfriendliness.

Into the midst of this era of unfriendliness was injected the Mexican trouble.

Not the faintest hint of unfriendliness could I detect.

Unsuspicious of unfriendliness, the Chesapeake was laid to, when a British boat, bearing a lieutenant, came alongside.

This only prejudiced them against me, and the unfriendliness I had fancied became very soon a reality, and I was snubbed or avoided in the most decided way.

Nor was there any unfriendliness.

Full of health and spirits, she was naturally eager in the pursuit of enjoyment, and anxious to please every one, from feeling nothing but kindness toward every one; she was frank, open, and sincere; and, being perfectly guileless herself, she was, as through her whole life she continued to be, entirely unsuspicious of unfriendliness, much more of treachery in others.

But that the World did come to coldness and unfriendliness, by reason of the Sun's slow ceasing.

On reviewing the causes which led to the suspension of this business, after so many exertions and such vast expense, which, it must be remembered, the profits of the culture never reimbursed, we find, first, the unfriendliness of the climate, which, notwithstanding its boasted excellence, interfered materially with its success.

Enmity N. enmity, hostility; unfriendliness &c adj.; discord &c 713; bitterness, rancor.

The supposed unfriendliness of the Dutch, or at least of an important party amongst them, to the regicide Government in England helped to force the conflict.

I am afraid that is the cause of his unfriendliness.

The thicket from which it had seemed to issue assumed in the pallid moonlight a new unfriendliness.

In suppressing the establishment at Amelia Island no unfriendliness was manifested toward Spain, because the post was taken from a force which had wrested it from her.

She eyed the visitor with frank unfriendliness and, without mincing her words, proceeded to tell him certain things, notably that his attentions to Alice must cease and that his visits here would henceforth be unwelcome.

Here the Portuguese showed such unfriendliness, that the Council were obliged to send other galleys to protect and bring the Eagle away.

He looked at her intently, yet with no unfriendliness, no passion.

She was a thin-lipped little person, plain-spoken to the verge of unfriendliness; a woman in whom the rugged, self-reliant, Puritan strain had become panic-acidulous.

She glanced from right to left down the lines of swarthy islanders, and saw nothing in their faces but surly, bitter unfriendliness.

" Sydney Smith's reply, when Lord Houghton, then young "Dicky Milnes," wrote him an angry letter about some supposed unfriendliness, was a model of mature and genial wisdom: "Dear Milnes,Never lose your good temper, which is one of your best qualities."

64; Johnson's unfriendliness, iv.

Two wrens, who bred just outside the hut, were much excited by the presence of Moses, and paid him visits of noisy unfriendliness.

The three of them made me feel uncomfortable, with their gaunt silences, their bent carriage, their evident unfriendliness to me and to one another.

A helpless sensation of paralysis came over mea restless, confused impression of my possible untrustworthiness, and of unfriendliness to me in high quarters, even of a thinly veiled hostility to me.

25 examples of  unfriendliness  in sentences