59 examples of weets in sentences

Some on 'em gets knocked up neaw an' then, an' they han to stop a-whoam a day or two; an' some on 'em connot ston gettin' weet throughit mays 'em ill; an' here an' theer one turns up at doesn't like the job at o'they'd rayther clem.

We'n had a deeal o' bother wi 'em abeawt bein' paid for weet days, when they couldn't wortch.

They wur not paid for weet days at th' furst; an' they geet it into their yeds at Shorrock were to blame.

At last, th' Board sattle't that they mut be paid for weet and

They'n come in rarely for weet weather."

My een are bad; an' awm ill all o'er, an' it's wi' nought but gooin' weet o' my feet.

Martha an' me's walked aboon ten mile iv we'n walked a yard; an' we geet weet through th' first thing; an' aw wur ill when we set off, an' so wur Martha, too; aw know hoo wur, though hoo says nought.

Auld Reikiel thou'rt the canty hole, A bield for mony a caldrife soul, What snugly at thine ingle loll, Baith warm and couth, While round they gar the bicker roll To weet their mouth.

it's no thy neebor sweet, The bonie lark, companion meet, Bending thee 'mang the dewy weet,

Weet, wet.


Instead thereof he kist her wearie feet, And lickt her lilly hands with fawning tong; As he her wrongéd innocence did weet.

"In stead thereof he kist her wearie feet, And lickt her lilly hands with fawning tong, As he her wronged innocence did weet.

pike, lance, spear, spontoon^, javelin, dart, jereed^, jerid^, arrow, reed, shaft, bolt, boomerang, harpoon, gaff; eelspear^, oxgoad^, weet-weet, wommerah^; cattle prod; chemical mace.

pike, lance, spear, spontoon^, javelin, dart, jereed^, jerid^, arrow, reed, shaft, bolt, boomerang, harpoon, gaff; eelspear^, oxgoad^, weet-weet, wommerah^; cattle prod; chemical mace.

Huit (pronounce weet).

Churchill gives the present tense of this verb three forms, weet, wit, and wot; and there seems to have been some authority for them all: as, "He was, to weet, a little roguish page.

Churchill gives the present tense of this verb three forms, weet, wit, and wot; and there seems to have been some authority for them all: as, "He was, to weet, a little roguish page.

2. "He was, to weet, a little roguish page, Save sleep and play, who minded nought at all.

Stripped the weet 60 bages. 2nd.

And again "An evening red, or a morning grey, Doth betoken a bonnie day; In an evening grey and a morning red, Put on your hat, or ye'll weet your head.

They whistle like this, 'tweet-weettweet-weet!'

"Homeser-weet home," he repeated sentimentally"home among the horseswhere some Roman-nosed, camel-backed, slant-eared nag is probably waitin' to kick daylight out'r me!

it weets the sod, it slockens the yowes, and"adding with much solemnity"it's God's wull;" and turned away with lofty indignation.

A Scots mist will weet an Englishman to the skin.

59 examples of  weets  in sentences