17 examples of whatnot in sentences

" In the wide flare of the swinging lamp, revealing Mrs. Scogin's parlor of chromo, china plaque, and crayon enlargement, sofa, whatnot, and wax bouquet embalmed under glass, Mrs. Burkhardt stood for a moment, blowing into her cupped hands, unwinding herself of shawl, something Niobian in her gesture.

Bellew, watching all this from where he sat screened from the throng by a great carved sideboard, and divers chairs, and whatnots,drew rather harder at his pipe, and, chancing to catch Adam's eye, beckoned him to approach.

Supervising the nurses of her child did not take a large share of her tune; and she found only a mild excitement in going into the bazaar in native woman's attire to collect Oriental rugs and whatnot.

Not far away, in a corner, on the top of the walnut whatnot, is a curious vase filled with pampas plumes; there are sea-shells and a piece of coral on the shelf below.

the old bureaus and whatnots and high-boys in the corners waiting their turn to be mended; and the sticky glue-pot waiting, too, on the end of the sawhorse.

That whatnot there, the one of black walnut with the top knocked off, that belonged in the old days to "Charles Baxter," calls my friend Patterson from the roadway, "can you fix my cupboard?" "Bring it in," says Charles Baxter, hospitably, and Patterson brings it in, and stops to talkand stopsand stopsThere is great talk in Baxter's shopthe slow-gathered wisdom of the country, the lore of crops and calves and cabinets.

Let us take the beam out of our own eye, before we take the mote out of theirs; let us, before we complain of them for being too healthy and comfortable, remember that we have at home here tens of thousands of paupers, rogues, whatnot, who are not a whit more civilised, intellectual, virtuous, or spiritual than the Negro, and are meanwhile neither healthy nor comfortable.

The primness of the whatnot decorated with pieces of treasured china, the big gilt-framed overmantel, and the old punch-bowl filled with pot-pourri, all spoke mutely of the thin-nosed old spinster to whom the veriest speck of dust was an abomination.

In one angle of the room austerely huddled a three-cornered "whatnot" of four shelves.

The West contributed brilliant green copper ore, flaky white tin ore, glittering white quartz ore, shining pyrites, and one or two businesslike specimens of oxygenated quartz, all of which occupied points of exhibit on the "whatnot."

She and he play together on the grass-plat, and I feel quite matronly as I sit watching them with their balls and wheel-barrows and whatnots.

The collector's whatnot.

The collector's whatnot.

"Whatnot in your whole life?" said the Stockman, chin on hand, raising his eyebrows at the last word.

Yet still she seemed uneasy, and I hastened to say whatnot even then knowing her quite as well as I did laterI thought would comfort her in any fears she had.

Other of the minor creditors, not caring to quarrel for a third or fourth interest in the piano, attached themselves to movable pieces of furniture, such as ottomans, whatnots, etageres, and chairs.

No, I almost felt I should have Dave Yerden saw off the top of the whatnot because it riz up in a sort of ornamental fashion, and I almost despised the thought of the M. E. steeple in Jonesville, to such wicked and reckless lengths will over-weariness lead one.

17 examples of  whatnot  in sentences