Which preposition to use with bullet

in Occurrences 138%

Louis NAPOLEON'S first bulletin about the war was the bullet in the pocket of NAP Junior.

through Occurrences 104%

The moaning of the horses maddened me, and I sent a bullet through the head of my own poor beast, which was writhing horribly.

from Occurrences 90%

I saw that this fellow must be checked, or a stray bullet from his gun might hit me or my horse; so, suddenly stopping Brigham, and quickly wheeling him around, I raised old "Lucretia" to my shoulder, took deliberate aim at the Indian and his horse, hoping to hit one or the other, and fired.

of Occurrences 56%

Though he often came under the fire of jeers and tauntsmore trying to most men than the rifle bullets of the enemyhe experienced a new joy which increased and deepened.

for Occurrences 35%

Best weapon and bullets for tiger.

into Occurrences 35%

After having returned from one of these little sallies, Major Brown, Captain Sweetman, Lieutenant Bache and myself were taking supper together, when "whang!" came a bullet into Lieutenant Bache's plate, breaking a hole through it.

at Occurrences 21%

And that thought sends a bullet at the mark!"

over Occurrences 17%

With a sharp hunting cry, that sang like a bullet over the frozen wastes, he called the whole pack about him.

on Occurrences 15%

The fact of the young Prince Imperial having picked up a bullet on the field of Saarbruck is significant It proves that, like a true BONAPARTE, he is prompt to take the Lead.

with Occurrences 12%

Carronades were on the principle of a gigantic shotgun, firing masses of bullets with great effect at very short rangesless than that of a long musket-shot, then reckoned at two hundred yards.

against Occurrences 7%

His two terrific beatings, and the crushing blow of the bullet against his skull, had made him sick.

about Occurrences 6%

Jack called, dismounting with a leap; and as though in answer to his warning came the singing of bullets about their ears.

than Occurrences 5%

If the enemy discovered us at any time while we were between the lines, our fate was well-nigh certain, and he who was three paces in advance would have no more show of escaping the bullets than the one who remained in the rear.

after Occurrences 4%

Monotonously the man behind the Winchester whipped bullet after bullet into the rocky face of the slide in the immediate vicinity of Racey Dawson and the senseless burden in the crook of his left arm.

behind Occurrences 4%

We quickly surrounded him, and a bullet behind the ear from my No. 16 put an end to his misery.

out Occurrences 4%

They proved themselves expert marksmen; but I noticed always cut the bullets out of the trees, as they are economists in ammunition if nothing else.

by Occurrences 3%

German hate has been fed by stories of British atrocities, ill-treatment of German civilians, the alleged use of dum-dum bullets by British soldiers, and the employment of coloured troops from India etc.

past Occurrences 3%

As she spoke there sounded once more the ripping crack of a rifle, the singing of a bullet past them, and with it the flatter, louder noise of the shot-gun was repeated.

across Occurrences 3%

He turned laboriously over on his face, pulling his shirt free from his body as he did so, and then we saw that he had a long, infected gash from a glancing bullet across the small of his back.

among Occurrences 3%

We sent a dozen bullets among them before they reached the door, but they came on without faltering.

to Occurrences 2%

At any rate, he rescued the colors of a white regiment from unseemly trampling and bore them safely through the bullets to the top of San Juan hill.

like Occurrences 2%

And the bullet was taken out of his head was the same every bit as our bullets; and where would a Zulu get a bullet like that?

as Occurrences 2%

I suppose you would just as soon be killed by an English bullet as by a German one.

between Occurrences 2%

I have seen a man, in the midst of a hot interchange of rifle bullets between the Turkish trenches and our own, the trenches occupying the crests of two parallel ranges of low hills, go around outside the works and climb with the greatest deliberation up the hillside, exposed to the Turkish fire, and back over the breastwork into our trenches, all the time under a hail of rifle bullets.

above Occurrences 1%

But on the word followed a more ominous crack, and there was the whine of a bullet above them.

Which preposition to use with  bullet