Which preposition to use with caress

of Occurrences 98%

Do you not know that this is September?" "Certainly I do,"said Mr. P." I know that this is the season when Nature revels in her richest hues, and Aurora gilds the fairest landscape; when the rays of glorious old Sol are tempered by the soft caresses of the balmiest zephyrs, and" "Oh, certainly!

with Occurrences 23%

" "Now," said the Bishop, "I would wager my mitre and ring that his life was prolonged by the daily ministrations of yonder fowl that he caresses with such singular affection?"

in Occurrences 16%

she called with a caress in her voice.

from Occurrences 14%

for now the dog was getting too friendly, leaping up and trying to solicit caresses from the girls.

on Occurrences 13%

But it was extraordinary that Mrs. Lavington had cast off her usual primness, and seemed to-night, for the first time in her life, in an exuberant good humour, which she evinced by snubbing her usual favourite Honoria, and lavishing caresses on Argemone, whose vagaries she usually regarded with a sort of puzzled terror, like a hen who has hatched a duckling.

as Occurrences 8%

When lady Harriot began to recover, and the nurse saw me in her arms caressed as her own child, all fears of detection were over; but the pangs of remorse then seized her: as the dear sick lady hung with tears of fondness over me, she thought she should have died with sorrow for having so cruelly deceived her.

for Occurrences 7%

It may easily be imagined, how such a pretty Society, conversing with none beneath themselves, and sometimes admitted as perhaps not unentertaining Parties amongst better Company, commended and caressed for their little Performances, and turned by such Conversations to a certain Gallantry of Soul, might be brought early acquainted with some of the most polite English Writers.

to Occurrences 7%

She intrigued with each secretly, and bestowed her fondness and withdrew it, plied them with tears, smiles, kisses, caresses; when the mother was angry, flew to the father; when both were displeased, transferred her caresses to the domestics, or watched until she could win back her parents' good graces, either by surprising them into laughter and good-humour, or appeasing them by submissive and an artful humility.

by Occurrences 3%

Besides," she murmured, colouring, with drooping eyelids, "I had rather be beaten by you than caressed by another.

like Occurrences 3%

I was sent for, as just stated, and caressed like any other precious thing that its owner had supposed itself about to lose.

at Occurrences 2%

If this has come to pass she overwhelms him with caresses at the first meeting.

without Occurrences 1%

Whilst I stood on honourable terms, Maria might have met my caresses without a blush.

among Occurrences 1%

Her lips on his lips, she murmured like a thorny caress among the caresses: "My husband will soon be home.

beyond Occurrences 1%

He sees, too quickly, does she fail to smile, But never sees the shadow in her eyes His hounds are beaten till they scarce draw breath, And then caressed beyond the worth of hounds.

onto Occurrences 1%

"And, Firio" Jack's hand slipped with a quick, gripping caress onto Firio's shoulder.

than Occurrences 1%

He took no notice after that, so the act seemed less like a caress than a matter of course.

through Occurrences 1%

I have builded a home where we've loved and been glad; I have known the rich joy of a girl and a lad; I have had their caresses through storm and through shine, And watched them grow lovely, those youngsters of mine; And I think as I hold them at night on my knee, That life has been generous surely to me.

across Occurrences 1%

A faint warmth spread itself like a caress across the valley and turned the cold air into a pearly mist.

Which preposition to use with  caress