Which preposition to use with euen

with Occurrences 5%

The will of my most seeming vertuous Queene: Oh Hamlet, what a falling off was there, [Sidenote: what failing] From me, whose loue was of that dignity, That it went hand in hand, euen with the Vow I made to her in Marriage; and to decline Vpon a wretch, whose Naturall gifts were poore To those of mine.

in Occurrences 4%

Giuing more light then heate; extinct in both, Euen in their promise, as it is a making; You must not take for fire.

to Occurrences 2%

compell'd Euen to the teeth and forehead of our faults, To giue in euidence.

unto Occurrences 2%

Furthermore men should be in very great forwardnes, if euery thinge were so well refourmed, that they were come euen unto daunses, that is to say, that all that which is corrupted, and those abuses which beare the sway among Christians were so cut off, and this so sick a body againe so wel restored to his soundnes and health, that there should remayne nothing els but to debate the question of leaping skippings and daunses.

vnto Occurrences 2%

Such and so extreme is the heat in that countrey, that the priuities of men come out of their bodies and hang down euen vnto their mid-legs.

at Occurrences 2%

Another loue, which this disorder breeds; For euen at home, within his father's Court, The Saint was shrinde whom he did honor most; A louely dame, a virgin pure and chaste, And worthy of a Prince to be embrac'te, Had but her birth (which was obscure, they said)

for Occurrences 1%

Exposing what is mortall, and vnsure, To all that fortune, death, and danger dare, Euen for an Egge-shell.

by Occurrences 1%

And I demaunded of the inhabitants there, how, or by what meanes this strange accident could come to passe: They answered, that fishes were taught, euen by nature, to come and to do homage vnto their Emperour.

Which preposition to use with  euen